Monday S&C

A1. Squat 3 x 5/10/20

B1. EMOM 10

even – 10 slams/ 5 chins (8 rows)

odd – 10 KB swings/ 10 push ups

C1. K2E 2 x 10

C2. Spidey Plank 2 x 12

Cond: 4 Rounds

10 Burpees

20 Jump Lunges

10 KB Clean & press each side

20 Goblet Squats

Tuesday S&C

A1. Jammer Press 3 x 10 r/l

A2. Hanging Knee Raises 3 x 10

A3. Plank Rotations 3 x 6 r/l

B1. FR KB Step up 3 x 8 r/l

B2. Squat jump 3 x 8



Plate GTOH

Sit Ups

Ring Rows

Wednesday S&C

A1. Deadlift 8/6/4/3/2/2

B1. Ring Push ups (ecc) 3 x 10

B2. Chins 3 x max


Start with 15 Burpees

6 Rounds:

10 Hanging Knee raises

10 KB Swings

Finish with 15 Burpees

Thurs S&C

1a BB Bent Over Row 3 x 15

1b Ring Flys 3 x 8

2a KB Clean & Press 3 x 8

2b Box Jumps 3 x 3

2c Ring Hamstring Curls 3 x 10

3a Side Plank 1 x 1:00 r/l

Cond: Partner Session – 10mins

3 KB Man Makers

10 Wallballs

Fri S&C

1a Pistol Squats 3 x 8 e/s

1b Ring Dips + hold 3 x 8 + 10-15s

1c Negative Pullups 3 x 5 – 3 sec lower

2a BB Bicep curl 3 x 10 varied grip width

2b Ring Tricep Dips 3 x 15

Cond: 9min Every Min on the Min:

1st – 15/20 Wallballs

2nd – 20 Jump Lunges

3rd – 10 KB Swings + 4 Burpees

10th min = Max effort pushups