Test Week!


A. Squat 1/5RM

- If you find 5RM quickly then do 4 x 5 as close to your 5RM as possible

B. Max Chins/ Ring rows in 1 min

Rest 2 mins

  1. Max Pushups in 1 min

D. Max effort Farmers Carry

Rest 2 mins


25 Situps

50 Jump Lunges

150 Skips

25 Wallballs

150 Skips

50 Jump Lunges

25 Situps



  1. Strict Press/Push Press 1/5RM

- If you find 5RM quickly then do 4 x 5 as close to your 5RM as possible

B. Max Plank (10/20kg)

  1. TGU 1RM


50     strict burpees



  1. Hang Power Clean 1/3RM

- If you find 5RM quickly then do 4 x 5 as close to your 5RM as possible


  1. Deadlift 1/5RM

- If you find 5RM quickly then do 4 x 5 as close to your 5RM as possible

  1. Broad Jump/Box Jump
  2. Max effort Wallballs in 2 mins

Rest 2 mins


Partner: 5 mins

5 chins/8 ring chins

5 Slams



A. Floor Press 10RM

- If you find 5RM quickly then do 4 x 5 as close to your 5RM as possible

  1. Chins – 3/1 RM
  2. Max effort bar hang (If unable, take rest and repeat)

Rest 2 mins


Circuit: 2 rounds



Plate crunch

KB get ups




1a Eccentric squat 3 x 5 -5s lower

1b Ring Body Saw 3 x 10

1c Side Plank crunch 3 x10 r/l

2a Dips 3 x 5

2b KB Snatch 3 x 5r/l


10min AMRAP – Partner

20 Box Jumps – you go i go

10 Slams – you go i go

5 burpees – each