Third week of our next 6 week training cycle, for the coming weeks we will be focusing on single leg strength which will help us in improving stability and mobility when it comes to performing the big bilateral movements like squats and deadlifts which we will still be incorporating too so dont worry!

Stronger people are harder to kill

Remember we need to be strong in all positions, so all though these exercises beneath are supplementary they are essential for you to perform and progress.



Check the board for your individually prescribed supplementary exercises along with the exercises that are prescrined for everyone.

Ask how to perform if unsure of any.

Stretch of the month – Couch box stretch, start with 1min each leg building to 2 mins each leg by months end

Exercise of the Month – Resistance Band Overhead squat 30reps

August Skill – Skipping, try and get in 5mins early to get comfortable with the rope


Overhead shoulder work – lx ball on side of armpit, banded distractions

Ask how to perform

Strength and stability:

Single Arm KB Rows 4x10reps

Press-ups (raised) 4x10reps

Banded crab walks 2 lengths of unit

Supemans 50 reps




A1 Bulgarian Split Squats 4 x 6 r/l

A2 Twist Throws

B1 KB Jump Squat 3 x 5

B2 Pause Jump Squat 3 x 3

B3 Plank Walkout w/Spidey 3 x 5


Cond: Circuit: 40 on / 20 off



Ring Row

Burpee L/J

KB Swing




A1 Strict OH Press 4 x 6

A2 KB Upright Row 4 x 8

A3 Superman 4 x 10

B1 Back Squat/Front Squat 3 x 5

B2 Decline Press-up 3 x 8



Box Jumps 5-10-15

KB Pulls 15-10-5

KB Front Squat 15-10-5




A1 OH/ Back Lunge 4 x 6 r/l

A2 Leg Raises 4 x 10

B1 KB Clean and Jerk 3 x 5 r/l

Ball Slams 3 x 10



Run: 6 x 200m




A1 Pullups 4 x max

A2 Floor Press 4 x 8

B1 Romanian Deadlift 3 x 6

B2 BB Bent Over Row 3 x 6



1 min on/ 1 min off: Lunges


Tabata: Wallballs




A1 Step Ups 4 x 6 r/l

A2 Ring Jacknife 4 x 10

B1 Skull Crushers 3 x 10

B2 Curls 3 x 10


Cond: Weekly Challenge

Ring Rows 20-15-20 Box over burpees – 10

Goblet squats 20-15-20 Box over burpees -10




Missed Lift/Technique Work