Test Week Pre Cycle 23


A. Squat 3RM

- If you find 3RM quickly then do 3 x 3 as close to your 3RM as possible

B. Max Dips/Pushups in 1 min (do dips if you can!)

C. Box Jump 1RM

Cond: Time is recorded

3 Rounds

25 KB Swings

15 Burpees

15 Sit ups


A. Strict Press 5RM

- If you find 5RM quickly then do 3 x 5 as close to your 5RM as possible

B. Push Press 1RM

C. Max Chins in 1 min

D. 2min Max effort burpee test


Timed to complete 5 hills (start at green gate)


A. Deadlift 3RM

- If you find 3RM quickly then do 3 x 3 as close to your 3RM as possible


C. Max Plank (10/20kg)


Partner: 8 mins

5 chins/8 ring chins

8 Slams

8 Jump Lunges


A. BB Reverse Lunge 5RM

B. Chins – 3 RM

- If you find your 3RM quickly then complete: B1 3 x 5 tempo chin + B2 3 x 16 Russian Twists

C. Max effort Hollow Hold

D. 2min Max Effort Wallballs

Cond: 4 Rounds

200m run

10 Hanging Leg Raises

20 KB Swings


A1. Weighted Pushup 5RM

B1. KB Man Makers 5RM

C1. Ring Chest Flys 3 x 8

C2. Banded crab walks 3 x 8 r/l

C3 KB Swing 3 x 20

Cond: 10minsPartner – + 1 rep every round. You Go I Go format

5 Slams

2 Burpees

5 Wallballs