Cycle 33 Week 4

This next 6 weeks will have the reintroduction of tempo work to some of our main compound lifts to help our continual improvement in positioning and control. Each of these tempo lifts will also be followed by a max reps effort using the same weight used.

One day of the week will be all about core & conditioning, whereby, you will get through a large volume of work. A weekly test for max reps in both burpees and KB clean & presses will be performed on this day also.

A BB complex done for time will also be introduced, whereby, you will start at 1 rep of each movement and add 1 rep per round until the time elapses.

An exciting 6 weeks ahead as always and another opportunity to make further improvements.

Mon S&C

1a Push Press 4 x 2

1b F/E Ring row 3 x 8

1c Banded Hip Thrust 3 x 15

BB Complex – 8mins


BO Row

Push Press

Squat Jumps

BB Reverse Lunge e/s

Start at 1 rep & +1 rep per round until time is up


50 BB Thrusters (20/15kg)

50 Sit Ups

50 Hanging Knee raises

25 Pushups

25 Ring Rows

Tuesday S&C

1a Tempo Back Squat 3 x 2 – 3s lower + 1 x max with no tempo with same weight

1b Chins 3 x 5, 1 x max

2a Tempo Incline Bench 3 x 6 – 3s lower + 1 x max with no tempo with same weight

2b Ring Hamstring curls 3 x 12 or 8e/s

2c Reverse Nordics 3 x 5


Start with 6 lengths bear crawl

5 Rounds:

10 Wallballs

8 Slams

6 Burpees

Wed S&C

1a Pause Bench 3 x 4 – 3s pause + 1 x max with no tempo

1b KB Split Squats 3 x 6 – 3s pause + 1 x max with no tempo

2a Pause BB RDL 3 x 6 – 3s pause

2b (Unsupported) KB BO Row 3 x 10e/s

Cond: 8 min circuit 45s/15s

Ring Mountain Climbers

Ring Assisted Jump Squats


Elbow-Hand Plank



Ladder Walk

Bar Hang

+ try and hold 2 min Wallsit to finish


1a Deadlift 4 x 2

1b Seated SA KB Shoulder Press 3 x 8e/s

2a Pause Front Squat/OHS 2 x 6 – 3s pause + 1 x max with no tempo with same weight

2b Tempo Pullups 2 x 5 – 3s lower + 1 x max with no tempo


Round 1 - 4mins: start at 5 reps and increase by 1 rep per min



Rest 2 mins

Round 2 – 4mins: start at 5 reps and increase by 1 rep per min

KB Swings

Spiderman Planks

Fri S&C


TGU + Thruster 3 x 3e/s


Cond: Tabata (20s on/10s off) for 12 rounds alternating between:

KB Swings


3min round - Person works as hard as they can for full 3mins (keep track of reps & weight)

KB Clean & Press


Core circuit: 3 rounds

Hollow hold x 30s

Hollow arch x 30s

Side plank x 30s e/s

3min round - Person works as hard as they can for full 3mins (keep track of reps)


Core circuit: 3 rounds

Deadbug x 16

Plate Chop x 8 r/l

(Lunge)Pallof Hold x 30s e/s

Cond: Hill Run Repeats

Alt long/ short x 3 each