Cycle 32 Week 1
This new 6 week cycle see's , as per usual, a nice change up from what we have been doing during the last programme, which saw even the long term members manage to set new PR's in various lifts.
For most of the days, we will be implementing a “core” warmup which will allow us to work on some isolated/ stabilization muscles while also preparing us for the bigger lifts ahead.
The bigger lifts such as the squat, deadlift, bench etc will follow a rep scheme of 5/4/3/2 adding weight for each set.
The inclusion of the Front Foot Elevated Split Squat as one of our single leg strength exercises can be seen along with the re-introduction of the BB Step up.
As always members can expect to be challenged when it comes to overall full body strength
, stability, balance, mobility, conditioning and of course, we'll have good fum along the way.
Have a look for yourself to see whats in store.
Core/ Warm up:
S/L Hip thrust (heel on) 2 x 8
F/E side plank 2 x 30s r/l
Glute bridge and squeeze 2 x 8
A1. Squat preference (OHS/FS/BS) 5/4/3/2
A2. SL RDL 3 x 5e/s
B 12/10/8/6/4/2 – 10 min cap
Strict Press
BO Row
Push up
Ring row
C Hills – start at gym
4 long hills – house past pub
Core/ Warm up:
Bottoms up KB Press 2 x 6 r/l
Inchworm w/ press 2 x 5
Band pullapart/pass throughs 2 x 10
A1. Incline Bench x 5/4/3/2
A2. (F/E) Ring Row 4 x 8
B1. BB Step ups 3 x 6 r/l
B2. KB BO Row 3 x 10
3mins partner bear crawls into:
3 x 90s rounds: rest 60s between rounds
8 Ring Rows/4 Chins
8 burpee
A1. Deadlift x 5/4/3/2
A2. KB SA Push Press 3 x 8e/s
B1. Weighted Ring Push ups 3 x 10
B2. Landmine 3 x 8 r/l
B3. S/A KB Hold 3 x 45s r/l
8mins EMOTM (every min on the min)
5 pushups
10 Swings
10 Squat jumps
- Plank in remaining time after the even mins...0,2,4,6,8.
Core/ Warm up:
TGU – 3/2/1 r/l
A1. KB Incline Bench Row 4 x 10
A2. Tall kneeling D/A Jammer press 4 x 10
B1. FFESS 3 x 8 r/l
B2. Weighted Ring Plank 3 x 45s
Cond: 10mins
1 TGU e/s
5 KB Clean e/s
5 burpees
10 Jump Lunges
10 Situps
Core/Warm up :
Weighted Wall sit 2 x 60s
Farmers Carry 1 x 200m
A1. KB swing 3 x 20
A2. Box Jump 3 x 5
A2. S/L skater squat 3 x 6 r/l
B1. Pull ups/Chins 3 x 5
B2. Strict Press x 5/4/3/2
Cond: Circuit: 2 rounds 35/25 with 2 burpees
Box Push
Ring Push up
KB Swing
Ring Row
Wall sit
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