Week 5 of our 6 week training cycle, where we are focusing on single leg strength which will help us in improving stability and mobility when it comes to performing the big bilateral movements like squats and deadlifts which we will still be incorporating too so dont worry!
“Stronger people are harder to kill”
Remember we need to be strong in all positions, so all though these exercises beneath are supplementary they are essential for you to perform and progress.
Check the board for your individually prescribed supplementary exercises along with the exercises that are prescrined for everyone.
Ask how to perform if unsure of any.
Everyone should complete at least 60 Pullups throughout the week on top of thos already programmed.
Overhead shoulder work – lx ball on side of armpit, banded distractions
Ask how to perform
Strength and stability:
Single Arm KB Rows 4x10reps
Press-ups (raised) 4x10reps
Banded crab walks 2 lengths of unit
Supemans 50 reps
A1 Bulgarian Split Squats 4 x 6r/l
A2 Half Kneeling Bar Rotations 4 x 8 r/l
B1 Seated Box Jumps 3 x 5
B2 Single Arm OH KB Carries 3 x 2 lengths r/l
B3 Weighted Floor Knee-Elbows 3 x 15
Cond: 2 Rounds/ 3mins each
10 Heavy Swings
Max Effort Chins
Finish remaining time with burpees
- rest 90s & repeat
A1 Strict OH Press 4 x 6 r/l
A2 Single Arm KB Row 4 x 8 r/l
A3 Weighted Glute Bridges 4 x 8.25 reps
B1 Back Squat / Front Squat 3 x 5
B2 Single Arm Ball Press Ups 3 x 8 r/l
TYRE FLIPS & PROWLER - Ugghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
A1 OH Lunge 4 x 6 r/l
A2 Partner Leg Throws 4 x 12
B1 Heavy KB Swing/KB Clean & Jerk 3 x 10
B2 KB Thruster 3 x 10
Circuit: 40s on/20s off
Battle Ropes
Hand Release Pressups
Burpee Ball Slam
A1 Pullups 4 x max
A2 Heavy Banded Pushups 4 x 8
A3 Ring Flys 4 x 10
B1 Romanian Deadlift 3 x 5
B2 Bear Crawls 3 x 2 lengths
75/100 Pressups - 200m every run every break
A1 Step Ups 4 x 6 r/l
A2 Feet Up Weighted Push Up Plank 4 x 45s
B1 OH Squat Practice
C1 Bicep Curls 4 x 10
C2 Tricep Extensions 4 x 10
Friday Challenge
Missed Lift/Technique Work
Partner/Team Conditioning
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