May 28, 2017No Comments

Workouts 29th May – 2nd June

Cycle 23 Week 6

For the following 6 weeks we will be incorporating tempo work for at least one major lift per day.

What this means is that we will be focusing on the eccentric or lowering portion of the lift along with the isometric or static (pause) portion of the lift.


The reason we are doing this is that the main areas that contribute to a poor lift are an inability to maintain proper body positioning (eg. tipping forward in a squat), failure to get out of a weak position (eg. stuck just below the knees in a deadlift so hips pop up) and inability to produce enough force at the weakest point (eg. stuck at the bottom of a squat).


By using tempo on all lifts we hope to address these issues and improve both basic strength levels and more importantly technique on all strength movements. It will mean lighter loads but combined with a sufficient tempo will certainly be very challenging.


We will also be combining a predominantly bodyweight day with a longer conditioning piece once a week. This will be a nice change to lifting weights and will challenge people to improve bodyweight strength levels.


As always core training will be evident throughout with a particular focus on isometric holds (hollow rocks/hanging leg holds/L-sits).


Oh and two variations of Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats will be in every week!!!!!!




A1. RFESS (ecc/iso) 3 x 5 r/l– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Dips/ Ring push up 3 x max


B1. Chins 3 x 5

B2. Jammer Press 3 x 12e/s


C1. Farmers Carry 1 x 200m


Cond: 2 Rounds - 45s on/15s off





1 min Rest




A1. RDL (ecc/iso) 3 x 5– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Pull ups 3 x max


B. Bodyweight:

Inchworm 2 x 6

Archer push ups 2 x 10

Lat lunge 2 x 10

L-sit 2 x 30s


Cond: 4 x 3mins rounds 60 s rest

1 hill run, then finish remaining time

10 swings





A1. Back Squat 2 x 2


B1. Front Squat (ecc/iso) 3 x 5 – 3s down/3s pause


C. Core

Weighted Plank 2 x 60s

Hollow rocks 2 x 30s

Landmine 2 x 30s


Emom 8 mins:


10 push ups + 8 chins/10 rows

10 kb swings + 10 slams



A1 KB Snatch 3 x 6e/s


B1. Strict press (ecc/iso) 3 x 8– 3s down/3s pause

B2. BO Reverse Flys 3 x 12

B3. Banded Lat stretch 2 x 30s e/s


C1. KB Thrusters 3 x 8 (90s rest)



Run 500m or 1 hill

After each: 2 rounds

Burpees x 5

Slam x 10





A1. TGU – build to heavy


B1. RFESS (deficit) 3 x 8 r/l

B2. KB Swing 3 x 20


C1. BO Row (ecc/iso) 3 x 8 r/l– 3s down/3s pause

C2. KB Windmills 3 x 5 r/l


Cond: 30/30 Remainder in plank X 5 rounds

Jump Lunge







May 21, 2017No Comments

Workouts May 22nd – May 27th

Cycle 23 Week 5

For the following 6 weeks we will be incorporating tempo work for at least one major lift per day.

What this means is that we will be focusing on the eccentric or lowering portion of the lift along with the isometric or static (pause) portion of the lift.


The reason we are doing this is that the main areas that contribute to a poor lift are an inability to maintain proper body positioning (eg. tipping forward in a squat), failure to get out of a weak position (eg. stuck just below the knees in a deadlift so hips pop up) and inability to produce enough force at the weakest point (eg. stuck at the bottom of a squat).


By using tempo on all lifts we hope to address these issues and improve both basic strength levels and more importantly technique on all strength movements. It will mean lighter loads but combined with a sufficient tempo will certainly be very challenging.


We will also be combining a predominantly bodyweight day with a longer conditioning piece once a week. This will be a nice change to lifting weights and will challenge people to improve bodyweight strength levels.


As always core training will be evident throughout with a particular focus on isometric holds (hollow rocks/hanging leg holds/L-sits).


Oh and two variations of Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats will be in every week!!!!!!




A1. RFESS (ecc/iso) 3 x 5 r/l– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Dips/ Ring push up 3 x max


B1. Chins 3 x 5

B2. Split Stance SA OH Press 3 x 12 r/l


C1. Farmers Carry 1 x 200m


Cond: 8 mins AMRAP

KB C+P (squat)x 5 r/l

Chins/ rows x 5/8

Sit-up x 10




A1. RDL (ecc/iso) 3 x 5– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Pull ups 3 x max


B. Bodyweight:

Inchworm 2 x 6

Archer push ups 2 x 10

Lat lunge 2 x 10

L-sit 2 x 30s


Cond: Partner workout

Run 500m then,

Both complete reps 12-10-8-6-4 on each exercise and then move on to next exercise.


Hanging Knee Raises

OH Wallball Lunge





A1. Back Squat 2 x 2


B1. Front Squat (ecc/iso) 3 x 5 – 3s down/3s pause


C. Core

Weighted Plank 2 x 60s

Hollow rocks 2 x 30s

Landmine 2 x 30s



Run 3 hills

After each: 2 rounds

KB Swing x 10

Slam x 10



A1 KB Snatch 3 x 6e/s


B1. Strict press (ecc/iso) 3 x 8– 3s down/3s pause

B2. BO Reverse Flys 3 x 12

B3. Banded Lat stretch 2 x 30s e/s


C1. KB Thrusters 3 x 8 (90s rest)


Cond: 3 Rounds AMRAP
Round 1=3mins, round 2 = 2mins, round 3 = 90s

5 Pushups
10 Kettlebell Swings

15 Squats

20 Jump Lunges
Rest 60s





A1. TGU – build to heavy


B1. RFESS (deficit) 3 x 8 r/l

B2. KB Swing 3 x 20


C1. BO Row (ecc/iso) 3 x 8 r/l– 3s down/3s pause

C2. KB Windmills 3 x 5 r/l


6 rounds Alternating

KB Man makers x 60s

Rest x 30s

Burpee/Plank x 30s each

Rest x 30s





May 14, 2017No Comments

Workouts May 15 – 20

Cycle 23 Week 4

For the following 6 weeks we will be incorporating tempo work for at least one major lift per day.

What this means is that we will be focusing on the eccentric or lowering portion of the lift along with the isometric or static (pause) portion of the lift.


The reason we are doing this is that the main areas that contribute to a poor lift are an inability to maintain proper body positioning (eg. tipping forward in a squat), failure to get out of a weak position (eg. stuck just below the knees in a deadlift so hips pop up) and inability to produce enough force at the weakest point (eg. stuck at the bottom of a squat).


By using tempo on all lifts we hope to address these issues and improve both basic strength levels and more importantly technique on all strength movements. It will mean lighter loads but combined with a sufficient tempo will certainly be very challenging.


We will also be combining a predominantly bodyweight day with a longer conditioning piece once a week. This will be a nice change to lifting weights and will challenge people to improve bodyweight strength levels.


As always core training will be evident throughout with a particular focus on isometric holds (hollow rocks/hanging leg holds/L-sits).


Oh and two variations of Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats will be in every week!!!!!!




A1. RFESS (ecc/iso) 3 x 5 r/l– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Dips/ Ring push up 3 x max


B1. Chins 3 x 5

B2. Half Kneeling SA OH Press 3 x 12 r/l


C1. Farmers Carry 1 x 200m


Cond: Circuit 30/30 with 3 burpees after each (2 rounds)


Plate crunch

Jump Junge

Ring Row

KB Swing



 A1 KB Snatch 3 x 6e/s


B1. Strict press (ecc/iso) 3 x 8– 3s down/3s pause

B2. BO Reverse Flys 3 x 12

B3. Banded Lat stretch 2 x 30s e/s


C1. KB Thrusters 3 x 8 (90s rest)


Cond: 30/30 X 3 rounds

KB Thrusters







A1. Back Squat 2 x 2


B1. Front Squat (ecc/iso) 3 x 5 – 3s down/3s pause


C. Core

Weighted Plank 2 x 60s

Hollow rocks 2 x 30s

Landmine 2 x 30s



4 hill runs from gym + 15 wallballs after each run




A1. RDL (ecc/iso) 3 x 5– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Pull ups 3 x max


B. Bodyweight:

Inchworm 2 x 6

Archer push ups 2 x 10

Lat lunge 2 x 10

L-sit 2 x 30s



3 x 3:30 min AMRAPs

Run 200m and then in remaining time complete the following for rounds:

5 pushups

10 Squats

10 KB Swings

Rest 60s




A1. TGU – build to heavy


B1. RFESS (deficit) 3 x 8 r/l

B2. KB Swing 3 x 20


C1. BO Row (ecc/iso) 3 x 8 r/l– 3s down/3s pause

C2. KB Windmills 3 x 5 r/l


Cond: BB Complex - start every 2 mins for 8 mins


5 BO Row

5 Push Press

5 Front Squats

5 Jump Squats

5 Burpees





May 7, 2017No Comments

Workouts 8th May – 13th May

Cycle 23 Week 3

For the following 6 weeks we will be incorporating tempo work for at least one major lift per day.

What this means is that we will be focusing on the eccentric or lowering portion of the lift along with the isometric or static (pause) portion of the lift.


The reason we are doing this is that the main areas that contribute to a poor lift are an inability to maintain proper body positioning (eg. tipping forward in a squat), failure to get out of a weak position (eg. stuck just below the knees in a deadlift so hips pop up) and inability to produce enough force at the weakest point (eg. stuck at the bottom of a squat).


By using tempo on all lifts we hope to address these issues and improve both basic strength levels and more importantly technique on all strength movements. It will mean lighter loads but combined with a sufficient tempo will certainly be very challenging.


We will also be combining a predominantly bodyweight day with a longer conditioning piece once a week. This will be a nice change to lifting weights and will challenge people to improve bodyweight strength levels.


As always core training will be evident throughout with a particular focus on isometric holds (hollow rocks/hanging leg holds/L-sits).


Oh and two variations of Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats will be in every week!!!!!!




A1. RFESS (ecc/iso) 3 x 5 r/l– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Dips/ Ring push up 3 x max


B1. Chins 3 x 5

B2. Split Stance Jammer Press 3 x 12 r/l


C1. SA KB Suitcase hold 1 x max e/s


Cond: 10 EMOTM

8 Wallballs

5 Chins/Rows

8 Slams




A1 KB Snatch/ windmill 3 x 3+1 r/l


B1. Strict press (ecc/iso) 3 x 8– 3s down/3s pause

B2. Pull aparts 3 x15

B3. Banded Lat stretch 2 x 30s e/s


C1. KB Thrusters 3 x 8 (90s rest)


Cond: 4 x 90s rounds 60 s rest

20 swings


remainder – max effort burpees






A1. Back Squat 2 x 2


B1. Front Squat (ecc/iso) 3 x 5 – 3s down/3s pause


C. Core

Weighted Plank 2 x 60s

Hollow rocks 2 x 30s

Landmine 2 x 30s


Cond: KB Complex - start every 2 mins for 8 mins


5 BO Row

5 Push Press

5 Front Squats

5 Jump Squats

5 Burpees




A1. RDL (ecc/iso) 3 x 5– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Pull ups 3 x max


B. Bodyweight:

Inchworm 2 x 6

Archer push ups 2 x 10

Lat lunge 2 x 10

L-sit 2 x 30s



3 x 3:30 min AMRAPs

Run 200m and then in remaining time complete the following for rounds:

10 BB Thrusters

5 Burpees

Rest 60s




A1. TGU – build to heavy


B1. RFESS (deficit) 3 x 8 r/l

B2. KB Swing 3 x 20


C1. BO Row (ecc/iso) 3 x 8 r/l– 3s down/3s pause

C2. Banded chest stretch 2 x 30s e/s


Cond: 8 hills

Alternate between short and long hills


April 30, 2017No Comments

Workouts May 2nd – 6th

Cycle 23 Week 2

For the following 6 weeks we will be incorporating tempo work for at least one major lift per day.

What this means is that we will be focusing on the eccentric or lowering portion of the lift along with the isometric or static (pause) portion of the lift.


The reason we are doing this is that the main areas that contribute to a poor lift are an inability to maintain proper body positioning (eg. tipping forward in a squat), failure to get out of a weak position (eg. stuck just below the knees in a deadlift so hips pop up) and inability to produce enough force at the weakest point (eg. stuck at the bottom of a squat).


By using tempo on all lifts we hope to address these issues and improve both basic strength levels and more importantly technique on all strength movements. It will mean lighter loads but combined with a sufficient tempo will certainly be very challenging.


We will also be combining a predominantly bodyweight day with a longer conditioning piece once a week. This will be a nice change to lifting weights and will challenge people to improve bodyweight strength levels.


As always core training will be evident throughout with a particular focus on isometric holds (hollow rocks/hanging leg holds/L-sits).


Oh and two variations of Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats will be in every week!!!!!!





A1. RFESS (ecc/iso) 3 x 5 r/l– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Dips/ Ring push up 3 x max


B1. Chins 3 x 5

B2. Half Kneeling Jammer Press 3 x 12 r/l


C1. Farmers Carry x 200m


Cond: 2 Rounds - 50s on/10s off





1 min Rest




 A1 KB Snatch/ windmill 3 x 3+1 r/l


B1. Strict press (ecc/iso) 3 x 8– 3s down/3s pause

B2. Pull aparts 3 x15


C1. KB Thrusters 3 x 8 (90s rest)


Cond: KB Complex - start every 2 mins for 8 mins


5 BO Row

5 Push Press

5 Front Squats

5 Jump Squats

5 Burpees




A1. RDL (ecc/iso) 3 x 5– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Pull ups 3 x max


B. Bodyweight: 2/3 Rounds

Inchworm x 6

Archer push ups x 10

Lat lunge x 10

L-sit x 30s



3 x 3:30 min AMRAPs

Run 200m and then in remaining time complete the following:

20 Plate GTOH

10 Swings

Rest 60s




A1. TGU – build to heavy


B1. RFESS (deficit) 3 x 8 r/l

B2. KB Swing 3 x 20


C1. BO Row (ecc/iso) 3 x 8 r/l– 3s down/3s pause

C2. Banded chest stretch 2 x 30s e/s


Cond: 8 hills

Alternate between short and green gate


April 23, 2017No Comments

Workouts April 24th – April 29th

Cycle 23 Week 1

For the following 6 weeks we will be incorporating tempo work for at least one major lift per day.

What this means is that we will be focusing on the eccentric or lowering portion of the lift along with the isometric or static (pause) portion of the lift.


The reason we are doing this is that the main areas that contribute to a poor lift are an inability to maintain proper body positioning (eg. tipping forward in a squat), failure to get out of a weak position (eg. stuck just below the knees in a deadlift so hips pop up) and inability to produce enough force at the weakest point (eg. stuck at the bottom of a squat).


By using tempo on all lifts we hope to address these issues and improve both basic strength levels and more importantly technique on all strength movements. It will mean lighter loads but combined with a sufficient tempo will certainly be very challenging.


We will also be combining a predominantly bodyweight day with a longer conditioning piece once a week. This will be a nice change to lifting weights and will challenge people to improve bodyweight strength levels.


As always core training will be evident throughout with a particular focus on isometric holds (hollow rocks/hanging leg holds/L-sits).


Oh and two variations of Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats will be in every week!!!!!!





A1. RFESS (ecc/iso) 3 x 5 r/l– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Dips/ Ring push up 3 x max


B1. Chins 3 x 5

B2. Jammer Press 3 x 12 r/l


C1. Hanging leg hold 2 x max + 1 x 10


Cond: 2 Rounds - 50s on/10s off





1 min Rest



Short hill runs x 6-8


A1. Strict press (ecc/iso) 3 x 8– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Pull aparts 3 x15

A3. Banded Lat stretch 2 x 30s e/s


B1. KB Thrusters 3 x 8 (90s rest)

Cond: Partner – you go I go (break up however wanted) (modify rep scheme if necessary)

80 burpees

80 slams

80 sit ups




A1. Back Squat 2 x 2


B1. Front Squat (ecc/iso) 3 x 5 – 3s down/3s pause


C. Core

Weighted Plank 2 x 60s

Hollow rocks 2 x 30s

Landmine 2 x 30s


Cond: KB Complex - start every 2 mins for 8 mins


5 BO Row

5 Push Press

5 Front Squats

5 Jump Squats

5 Burpees




A1. RDL (ecc/iso) 3 x 5– 3s down/3s pause

A2. Pull ups 3 x max


B. Bodyweight:

Inchworm 2 x 6

Archer push ups 2 x 10

Lat lunge 2 x 10

L-sit 2 x 30s



3 x 3:30 min AMRAPs

Run 200m and then in remaining time complete the following for rounds:

5 Pushups

10 Swings

15 squats

Rest 60s




A1. RFESS (deficit) 3 x 8 r/l

A2. KB Swing 3 x 20


B1. BO Row (ecc/iso) 3 x 8 r/l– 3s down/3s pause

B2. Banded chest stretch 2 x 30s e/s


C1 KB Snatch/ windmill 3 x 3+1 r/l


D1. TGU – build to heavy


Cond: 5 hills from green gate - continuous

April 17, 2017No Comments

Workouts April 18th – April 22nd

Post Easter Week




A1. FR RFESS 3 x 8 r/l

A2. KB Swing 3 x 15


B1. Reverse crunch 2 x 10

B2. Twist 2 x 20

B3. Alt leg kicks 2 x 30


C Farmers Carry 1 x 200m


D 2 rounds 30/30 (stay)

Slams/ Wallball/ Push up/ Ring Row





A1. Jammer Push press 3 x 10 r/l

A2. Chin up 3 x max (max slow negatives after last set)


B. Tabata – 6 rounds

FR KB Squat

Hollow hold

Dips/ push ups


C 1 mile run (2 x middle unit laps) * if gate open




3 rounds:

Sit ups x 20

KB swings x 20

1 hill




1a BB RDL 3 x 5

1b Banded KB Swing 3 x 15


2a Push Press 2/4/6

2b SA KB Rows 3 x 10 e/s


Cond: 10mins Ascending ladder

Hand Release Pushups

Sit Ups


Jump Lunge




1a KB Man Makers 3 x 6


Bodyweight circuit:

2a Inchworm w/ press 3 x 6

2b Hanging Knee Raise/Straight Leg Hold 3 x 30s

2c Ring rollout 3 x 8

2d Cossack Squat 3 x 16



10 Burpees
15 Kettlebell Swings

20 Hanging Knee Raises
25 Squats

1 Hill Run

25 Squats

20 Hanging Knee Raises

15 Kettlebell Swings

10 Burpees

1 Hill Run



April 9, 2017No Comments

Workouts Apr 10 – 15


Test Week Pre Cycle 23


A. Squat 3RM

- If you find 3RM quickly then do 3 x 3 as close to your 3RM as possible

B. Max Dips/Pushups in 1 min (do dips if you can!)

C. Box Jump 1RM

Cond: Time is recorded

3 Rounds

25 KB Swings

15 Burpees

15 Sit ups


A. Strict Press 5RM

- If you find 5RM quickly then do 3 x 5 as close to your 5RM as possible

B. Push Press 1RM

C. Max Chins in 1 min

D. 2min Max effort burpee test


Timed to complete 5 hills (start at green gate)


A. Deadlift 3RM

- If you find 3RM quickly then do 3 x 3 as close to your 3RM as possible


C. Max Plank (10/20kg)


Partner: 8 mins

5 chins/8 ring chins

8 Slams

8 Jump Lunges


A. BB Reverse Lunge 5RM

B. Chins – 3 RM

- If you find your 3RM quickly then complete: B1 3 x 5 tempo chin + B2 3 x 16 Russian Twists

C. Max effort Hollow Hold

D. 2min Max Effort Wallballs

Cond: 4 Rounds

200m run

10 Hanging Leg Raises

20 KB Swings


A1. Weighted Pushup 5RM

B1. KB Man Makers 5RM

C1. Ring Chest Flys 3 x 8

C2. Banded crab walks 3 x 8 r/l

C3 KB Swing 3 x 20

Cond: 10minsPartner – + 1 rep every round. You Go I Go format

5 Slams

2 Burpees

5 Wallballs


April 2, 2017No Comments

Workouts 3rd April – 8th April

Cycle 22 Week 6


Within this new cycle, big lifts (squat, deadlift) will comprise of 4 working sets. 3 sets of a heavy 3 reps, finishing with a final set of max effort reps at Bodyweight for those able or 3/4 BW.


Structure of some classes will differ with a couple of days including 2 conditioning pieces and one day with a longer conditioning ;-).


Certain lifts such as the Push press and BO row will comprise of 4 working sets. Push press will follow 3 sets of a heavy 3 with a final set at a weight allowing the individual to perform 10+. Bent over row will follow a similar structure with the first 3 sets set at 8 reps and a final high rep set at a weight allowing for 15+ reps.


Certain exercises which may not have been in the last cycle include Front squat, BB Step-up, as well as weighted plate push ups.




A1. Weighted Plate (Ring) Push up 4 x 10

A2. Weighted Pull up (ring/bar) 4 x 6/max


B1. S/L BB RDL 3 x 6 r/l

B2. Jammer Press 3 x 10 r/l


C1. Hollow hold + leg raise 2 x 20s + 10

C2. Superman hold + dynamics 2 x 20s + 10



500m Run
3 rounds: 5 Pullups/Ring Rows – 10pushups – 15 squats

200m run

3 rounds: 5 Pullups/Ring Rows – 10pushups – 15 squats

500m Run





A1. Back Squat x 3/3/3/(BW) max

A2. Banded KB Swing 3 x 12


Cond: 8 mins 30/30




Cond: Tabata x 6 rounds

KB Rev Lunge

Plate crunch

Ring push ups





Cond: 8 mins

TGU x 1 r/l

Slams x 10

Sit up x 10


i. Front Squat 4 x 6

ii. Hanging leg raises 4 x 10


8 Hills – alternate between

4 x short

4 x house entrance




A1. Deadlift 3/3/3/ (BW) +

A2. Pause Box jump 3 x 4


B1. Hip Thrust 2 x 15

B2. Standing ring fallout 2 x 10

B3. Reverse crunch 2 x 10

Cond: 15 mins


Cond:8mins AMRAP

30 BW squats
20 KB Swings

10 Plate GTOH
5 Dips/Pushups


rest 2 mins


5 min


Slams x 8 each

Wallball x 8 each




A1. Push Press x 3/3/3/ 10+


B1. BB Step up 3 x 6 r/l


C1. Underhand BO Row x 8/8/8/15+


Cond: 5 rounds

KB Clean + Press x 30s

Burpee x 30s

Rest x 60s


March 26, 2017No Comments

Workouts Mar 27 – Apr 1

Cycle 22 Week 5


Within this new cycle, big lifts (squat, deadlift) will comprise of 4 working sets. 3 sets of a heavy 3 reps, finishing with a final set of max effort reps at Bodyweight for those able or 3/4 BW.


Structure of some classes will differ with a couple of days including 2 conditioning pieces and one day with a longer conditioning ;-).


Certain lifts such as the Push press and BO row will comprise of 4 working sets. Push press will follow 3 sets of a heavy 3 with a final set at a weight allowing the individual to perform 10+. Bent over row will follow a similar structure with the first 3 sets set at 8 reps and a final high rep set at a weight allowing for 15+ reps.


Certain exercises which may not have been in the last cycle include Front squat, BB Step-up, as well as weighted plate push ups.





A1. Back Squat x 3/3/3/(BW) max

A2. Banded KB Swing 3 x 12


Cond: 8 mins 30/30




Cond: Tabata x 6 rounds

KB Rev Lunge

Plate GTOH

Ring chest flys




A1. Weighted Plate (Ring) Push up 4 x 10

A2. Weighted Pull up (ring/bar) 4 x 6/max


B1. S/L BB RDL 3 x 6 r/l

B2. SA OH KB Press 3 x 10 r/l


C1. Hollow hold + leg raise 2 x 20s + 10

C2. Superman hold + dynamics 2 x 20s + 10


Cond: 20-16-12-8-4

Jump Lunge

Ring Row

S/A KB Thruster x 5 r/l (each round)



Cond: 8 mins

TGU x 1 r/l

Slams x 10

Sit up x 10


i. Front Squat 4 x 6

ii. Hanging leg raises 4 x 10


8 Hills – alternate between

4 x short

4 x house entrance




A1. Deadlift 3/3/3/ (BW) +

A2. Pause Box jump 3 x 4


B1. Hip Thrust 2 x 15

B2. Russian Twist & Press 2 x 10


Cond: 15 mins


5 min


Slams x 8 each

Wallball x 8 each


rest 2 mins



even – 10 KB swings / 8 Rows (5 Chins)

odd –20 jump lunges/ 8 push ups – finish time in pushup plank





A1. Push Press x 3/3/3/ 10+


B1. BB Step up 3 x 6 r/l


C1. Underhand BO Row x 8/8/8/15+


Cond: 5 rounds

KB Thruster x 30s

Burpee x 30s

Rest x 60s