
For this new 6 week cycle we will be incorporating eccentric focused work along with pause work for all the major lifts. These are being implemented with the view of breaking through some strength plateaus as well as adding a bit of variety to all the major lifts.


Also, we will be continuing to progress the clean using the power clean version of the lift from the floor. We will also dedicate some time to the hang snatch which may be a new movement to some people but we're sure many of you will learn to love.




1a Pause Strict Press 3 x 5 -5s pause

1b Partial range Chins 3 x 5 bottom-mid + max effort full range

2a BB Step-ups 3 x 6 r/l

2b Ring Dips 3 x 8

3a SA KB Swing + Snatch + Clean 2 x 5 r/l

3b Offset KB Hold 2 x 45s


Cond: Tabata style –cycle through for 20 rounds


Plate GTOH

Plate Crunches

Plate OH Lunges

Plate Burpees




Hang Snatch - build to 3RM

1a Pause Squats 3 x 5 -5s pause @~70-75% 1RM

1b Split Stance SA KB Press 3 x 8 r/l

2a SL RDL 3 x 8 r/l

2b L-sit hold 3 x 20-30s

2c V-Sits 3 x 12


Cond: 3 Rounds

5 Burpees

10 SA KB Swings left

10 SA Front Racked Lunges left

10 Push Press left

5 Burpees

10 SA KB Swings right

10 SA Front Racked Lunges right

10 Push Press right


Finish with 30 Elbow-hand planks




A1. Pause Pull ups (4 sec at bottom) 3 x max

A2. Pause Floor Press 3 x 8


B1. FR KB Rev Lunge 3 x 8 r/l

B2. Plate around the worlds 3 x 6 r/l


Cond: Circuit R1=50s on / 10s off, R2= 45s on/15s off

Ring Row

Ring Plank



KB Pulls


Plank walkout

Box Jump





Power Clean – build to 3RM

1a Pause Deadlifts 3 x 5 -3s lower @~70-75% 1RM

1b Plate Crunch 3 x 12

1c Plank Walkouts 3 x 6

2a (FE) Ring Chins 2 x max

2b Close Grip Press 2 x 12


Cond: 10min AMRAP

10 Wallballs

10 Swings

10 Pushups

10 Jump Squats