October 15, 2017No Comments

Workouts Oct 16th – Oct 21st

Week 3 Cycle 26


One of the main new changes we are making to this next 6 week training block is the addition of a totals day once a week. This is a power lifting comp style day whereby you will try and set a 3RM in your front squat and deadlift along with a 5RM in your floor press. Your combined weight lifted in those rep maxes will form your total for that week. The aim is to increase this total week on week.


We will also be using Every Min on the Min (EMOM) style training for a couple of big lifts, namely the back squat and split stance OH press. This will allow us build volume h=while also keeping the intensity of the lift fairly high.


We will also have sets to failure one day per week in RFESS, Chins and pushups which again will be another way of judging your progress week on week.


We will be having 1 day which will incorporate a long conditioning piece and 1 day which will have 2 short conditioning pieces. These will remain constant throughout the 6 weeks in order to see some progress.


Apart from that, as always we will train single leg , single arm, bodyweight, KB’s etc and just look to keep on improving.




Core: 2 Rounds

Weighted Plank x 45s

Reverse Crunch x 15

Hollow Hold x 30s


1a BB Split Squats 3 x 15e/s

1b Chins 3 x 5 (weighted if possible or else with tempo)


2a Bottoms Up KB Presses 2 x 8e/s

2b Band Pullaparts 2 x 15



Start with 20 Sit Ups

Then 5 Rounds:

5 Slams + 10 Squat Jumps

5 Slams + 10 wallballs

Finish with 20 Sit Ups




1. Back Squat x 2 – Every min on the min (EMOM) for 6mins

2. Split Stance OH Strict Press x 5 – EMOM 6mins


Cond: 15mins

TGU x 3 e/s

GTOH x 10

Jump Lunge x 10

Squats x 10

Sit Ups x 10

Ring Row x 10

Burpees x 5




Perform 1 max effort set to failure on the following exercises:

  1. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat – use a weight that you think you could perform 5-8 reps with.
  2. Chins
  3. Pushups


1a RDL 3 x 8

1b Chins 3 x max

1c Ring Pushups 3 x 10



2-4 Burpees every 20s for 4mins


Rest 2mins


3-5 slams every 20s for 4mins




Totals Day – Add your total weight lifted for all 3 lifts and try to increase week on week.


1. Front Squat 3RM

2. Floor Press 5RM

3. Deadlift 3RM


Cond: 8min AMRAP

8 Plate GTOH

8 Plate OH Lunge

8 Squat Jumps

8 Situps




Core: 2 Rounds

Pallof Hold x 30s e/s

Landmine x 16

SA KB Hold x 30s e/s


1a KB Step Ups 4 x 6e/s

1b Pullups 4 x max

1c BB Bent Over Row 4 x 10


Cond: KB Complex - start every 2 mins for 10 mins


5 BO Row

5 Push Press

5 Front Squats

5 Jump Squats

5 Burpees





October 8, 2017No Comments

Workouts 09/10/17 – 14/10/17

Week 2 Cycle 26

One of the main new changes we are making to this next 6 week training block is the addition of a totals day once a week. This is a power lifting comp style day whereby you will try and set a 3RM in your front squat and deadlift along with a 5RM in your floor press. Your combined weight lifted in those rep maxes will form your total for that week. The aim is to increase this total week on week.

We will also be using Every Min on the Min (EMOM) style training for a couple of big lifts, namely the back squat and split stance OH press. This will allow us build volume h=while also keeping the intensity of the lift fairly high.

We will also have sets to failure one day per week in RFESS, Chins and pushups which again will be another way of judging your progress week on week.

We will be having 1 day which will incorporate a long conditioning piece and 1 day which will have 2 short conditioning pieces. These will remain constant throughout the 6 weeks in order to see some progress.

Apart from that, as always we will train single leg , single arm, bodyweight, KB’s etc and just look to keep on improving.



1. Back Squat x 2 – Every min on the min (EMOM) for 6mins

2. Split Stance OH Strict Press x 5 – EMOM 6mins

Cond: 15mins

TGU x 3 e/s

GTOH x 10

Jump Lunge x 10

Squats x 10

Sit Ups x 10

Ring Row x 10

Burpees x 5



Core: 2 Rounds

Weighted Plank x 45s

Reverse Crunch x 15

Hollow Hold x 30s

1a BB Split Squats 3 x 15e/s

1b Chins 3 x 5 (weighted if possible or else with tempo)

2a Bottoms Up KB Presses 2 x 8e/s

2b Band Pullaparts 2 x 15

Cond: 9min Every Min on the Min:

1st – 10-15 Wallballs

2nd – 20 Jump Squats

3rd – 20 KB Swings

After your last set of 20 KB Swings you try and hold a wall sit until 10mins has elapsed.



Totals Day – Add your total weight lifted for all 3 lifts and try to increase week on week.

1. Front Squat 3RM

2. Floor Press 5RM

3. Deadlift 3RM

Cond: Circuit 40s/20s x 2 Rounds

Ring Plank


KB Pulls


Ring Mountain Climbers



Core: 2 Rounds

Pallof Hold x 30s e/s

Landmine x 16

SA KB Hold x 30s e/s

1a KB Step Ups 4 x 6e/s

1b Pullups 4 x max

1c BB Bent Over Row 4 x 10

Cond: KB Complex - start every 2 mins for 10 mins


5 BO Row

5 Push Press

5 Front Squats

5 Jump Squats

5 Burpees



Perform 1 max effort set to failure on the following exercises:

  1. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat – use a weight that you think you could perform 5-8 reps with.

  2. Chins

  3. Pushups

1a RDL 3 x 8

1b Chins 3 x max

1c Pushups 3 x 10


2-4 Burpees every 20s for 4mins

Rest 2mins

3-5 slams every 20s for 4mins

October 1, 2017No Comments

Workouts Oct 2nd – Oct 7th

Week 1 Cycle 26


One of the main new changes we are making to this next 6 week training block is the addition of a totals day once a week. This is a power lifting comp style day whereby you will try and set a 3RM in your front squat and deadlift along with a 5RM in your floor press. Your combined weight lifted in those rep maxes will form your total for that week. The aim is to increase this total week on week.


We will also be using Every Min on the Min (EMOM) style training for a couple of big lifts, namely the back squat and split stance OH press. This will allow us build volume h=while also keeping the intensity of the lift fairly high.


We will also have sets to failure one day per week in RFESS, Chins and pushups which again will be another way of judging your progress week on week.


We will be having 1 day which will incorporate a long conditioning piece and 1 day which will have 2 short conditioning pieces. These will remain constant throughout the 6 weeks in order to see some progress.


Apart from that, as always we will train single leg , single arm, bodyweight, KB’s etc and just look to keep on improving.





1. Back Squat x 2 – Every min on the min (EMOM) for 6mins

2. Split Stance OH Strict Press x 5 – EMOM 6mins


Cond: 15mins

TGU x 3 e/s

GTOH x 10

Jump Lunge x 10

Squats x 10

Sit Ups x 10

Ring Row x 10

Burpees x 5





Core: 2 Rounds

Weighted Plank x 45s

Reverse Crunch x 15

Hollow Hold x 30s


1a BB Split Squats 3 x 15e/s

1b Chins 3 x 5 (weighted if possible or else with tempo)


2a Bottoms Up KB Presses 2 x 8e/s

2b Band Pullaparts 2 x 15


Cond: 9min Every Min on the Min:

1st – 10-15 Wallballs

2nd – 20 Jump Squats

3rd – 20 KB Swings


After your last set of 20 KB Swings you try and hold a wall sit until 10mins has elapsed.





Totals Day – Add your total weight lifted for all 3 lifts and try to increase week on week.


1. Front Squat 3RM

2. Floor Press 5RM

3. Deadlift 3RM


Cond: Circuit 40s/20s x 2 Rounds

Ring Plank


KB Pulls


Ring Mountain Climbers






Core: 2 Rounds

Pallof Hold x 30s e/s

Landmine x 16

SA KB Hold x 30s e/s


1a KB Step Ups 4 x 6e/s

1b Pullups 4 x max

1c BB Bent Over Row 4 x 10


Cond: KB Complex - start every 2 mins for 10 mins


5 BO Row

5 Push Press

5 Front Squats

5 Jump Squats

5 Burpees





Perform 1 max effort set to failure on the following exercises:

  1. Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat – use a weight that you think you could perform 5-8 reps with.
  2. Chins
  3. Pushups


1a RDL 3 x 8

1b Chins 3 x max

1c Pushups 3 x 10



2-4 Burpees every 20s for 4mins


Rest 2mins


3-5 slams every 20s for 4mins



September 24, 2017No Comments

Test week 25 Sept – 30 Sept

Test week Pre Cycle 26

Throughout this week we want to have results for everyone’s Deadlift 3RM/Front Squat 3RM and Jump Tests at the very least so on Wed-Fri if you missed one of these tests you will be completing them regardless of what else is planned for that day.



1a TGU 1RM

2a Deadlift 3RM

3a Floor Press 3 x 10

3b Pause Ring Rows 3 x 10-3s pause


Cond: Hill Runs

2 x short

1 x to gym

2 x short

1 x to gym



1a Front Squat 3RM


2a Pushups in 60s

2b Chins in 60s


3a Banded KB Swing 2 x 20

3b Inchworm w/ press 2 x 6

3c Hanging Leg Raises 2 x 10

3d Ring rollout 2 x 8


Cond: 90s rounds

8 pushups

8 burpee box jumps

Increase reps by 2 per round until you can’t finish in the 90s time period



Jump Tests:

Max Height Countermovement

Max Height Squat Jump

Max Height S/L Jumps


Front Squat 3RM / Deadlift 3RM if haven’t done so already


1a Push Press 1 RM


2a BB BO Row 3 x 10

2b Weighted Plank 2 x 60s

2c Hollow Hold 2 x 30s


Cond: KB Complex - start every 2 mins for 10 mins


5 BO Row

5 Push Press

5 Front Squats

5 Jump Squats

5 Burpees



Jump Tests: if haven’t done so already

Max Height Countermovement

Max Height Squat Jump

Max Height S/L Jumps


Front Squat 3RM / Deadlift 3RM if haven’t done so already



1b Chins 3RM


2a Jammer Press 3 x 10

2b Plank Rotations 3 x 8e/s


Cond: Circuit 45s/15s x 2 Rounds


Ring Plank

KB Pulls


Ring Mountain Climbers

Jump Lunges



Jump Tests: if haven’t done so already

Max Height Countermovement

Max Height Squat Jump

Max Height S/L Jumps


Front Squat 3RM / Deadlift 3RM if haven’t done so already


1a Back Squat 5/10/15

1b SL RDL 3 x 5e/s

1c Spiderman Plank 3 x 16


2a Farmers Carry 2 x 6

2b Ring Jacknife 2 x 15


Cond: 10mins Ascending ladder

Hand Release Pushups


Sit Ups

Jump Lunge


September 17, 2017No Comments

Workouts Sept 18th – Sept 23rd

Week 6 Cycle 25


For this new 6 week cycle we will be alternating, week to week, between front squatting twice per week and deadlifting once per week OR Deadlifting twice per week and front squatting once per week. In this way, every 2 weeks members will have a chance to both squat and deadlift on 3 separate occassions. For both exercises, one of these sessions will be focused on going heavy, one will be lighter but utilizing different training techniques such as eccentric focused/ isometric work, and one day will be a combination of heavy and light in order to promote some increases in mass.


Two days of the week we will be doing an extended warm up allowing us to work on some extra plyometric training where the focus will be on moving more explosively. A barbell complex will be a mainstay for one of the days with the focus on being adding a small amount of weight to the bar each week.


Obviously, we will be keeping up our single leg/ single arm work with the RFESS being kept in the programme. As always plenty of effective core strengthening/stability exercises will be seen as well as much loved conditioning tools and hill runs.


After a satisfying test week we have a challenging but fun 6 weeks ahead!




Cond: Tabata: 3 mins Alt for each pairing (rest 1 min after first couplet)

DL KB Clean / Burpee

Jump Lunge/Sit up


A1. Pause Strict Press 3 x 6

A2. Band Pullaparts 3 x 15


B. Push Press 8/5/3


C (BB) RFESS 3 x 8 r/l


Cond: 4Rounds

Wallballs 30s

Swings 30s

Rest 30s



S/L BB RDL 2 x 8 r/l

D/L BB RDL (ecc/iso) 2 x 8


A1. Deadlift 5 x 3

A1. Bottoms up KB Press 3 x 6 r/l


B1. (Weighted) Ring Push up 3 x 10

B2. (Weighted) Pull up 3 x 6


Cond: Hill Runs

2 Runs from gym

4 Short hills – 2 short hills before each long run.

Alternate between them




KB Squat Jump (ecc/iso) 2 x 5

Box Jump 2 x 5


A1. Front Squat 3 x 4, 1 x 10


B1. TGU 2 x 5 r/l

B2. Hollow rocks + hold 2 x 20s + 20s

B3. Russian twist & press 2 x 10


Cond: 8min Partner AMRAP

1 KB Man Maker

1 Burpee

2,3,4 of each and so on until time elapses.



A1. BB Complex: 5 sets 5 reps

Push Press

Rev Lunge

Squat Jump

BO Row



B1. Landmine 3 x 8 r/l

B2. Pallof Presses 3 x 10 – slow tempo

B3. Plank shoulder walkouts 3 x 10


2 x 4min

2 min Partner Bear Crawls


2min individual rounds:

10 Plate GTOH

10 Jump Lunges

Rest 2mins





Banded KB Swing 2 x 15

SL Jumps 2 x 3e/s


A1.Pause Deadlift below the knee 4 x 6

A2. Bottoms up KB Press 3 x 6 r/l


B1. Jammer press 3 x 10 r/l

B2. S/A Ring Row 3 x 6 r/l


Cond: 20s on/10s off. Cycle through the exercises for 18 rounds


KB Push Press




September 10, 2017No Comments

Workouts Sept 11 – Sept 16

Week 5 Cycle 25


For this new 6 week cycle we will be alternating, week to week, between front squatting twice per week and deadlifting once per week OR Deadlifting twice per week and front squatting once per week. In this way, every 2 weeks members will have a chance to both squat and deadlift on 3 separate occassions. For both exercises, one of these sessions will be focused on going heavy, one will be lighter but utilizing different training techniques such as eccentric focused/ isometric work, and one day will be a combination of heavy and light in order to promote some increases in mass.


Two days of the week we will be doing an extended warm up allowing us to work on some extra plyometric training where the focus will be on moving more explosively. A barbell complex will be a mainstay for one of the days with the focus on being adding a small amount of weight to the bar each week.


Obviously, we will be keeping up our single leg/ single arm work with the RFESS being kept in the programme. As always plenty of effective core strengthening/stability exercises will be seen as well as much loved conditioning tools and hill runs.


After a satisfying test week we have a challenging but fun 6 weeks ahead!





KB Squat Jump (ecc/iso) 2 x 5

Box Jump 2 x 5


A1. Front Squat 5 x 3

A1. Bottoms up KB Press 3 x 6 r/l


B1. (Weighted) Ring Push up 3 x 10

B2. (Weighted) Pull up 3 x 6


Cond: 8min Partner AMRAP

1 KB Man Maker

1 Burpee

2,3,4 of each and so on until time elapses.




Cond: 8 mins Alt EMOM

Push ups / Slams x10

Ring Rows/ Wallballs x 10


A1. Pause Strict Press 3 x 6

A2. Band Pullaparts 3 x 15


B. Push Press 8/5/3


C (BB) RFESS 3 x 8 r/l


Cond: 3 x 2:30min AMRAPs – 1min rest between rounds

5 burpees

10 Situps

15 KB Swings




  1. S/L BB RDL 2 x 8 r/l
  2. D/L BB RDL (ecc/iso) 2 x 8


A1. Deadlift 3 x 4 , 1 x 10


B1. TGU 3 x 2 r/l

B2. Deadbug 3 x 20

B3. Weighted Plank 3 x 60s



1Hill Run

16-14-12....4 KB Swings

4-6-8..... 16 Slams

1 Hill Run





Banded KB Swing 2 x 15

SL Bounds 2 x 5e/s


A1. Front Squat (ecc/iso) 4 x 6

A2. Bottoms up KB Press 4 x 6 r/l


B1. S/A 1/2 kneeling press 3 x 10 r/l

B2. S/A KB Row 3 x 10 r/l


Cond: 8mins- start at 4 reps and increase by 1 rep per min


Jump Lunge


Haning Knee Raises




A1. BB Complex: 5 sets 5 reps

Push Press

Rev Lunge

Squat Jump

BO Row



B1. Landmine 3 x 10 r/l

B2. Side plank 3 x 30s r/l

B3. Ring Rollout 3 x 10


Cond: Hill Runs

4 hills from gym


September 3, 2017No Comments

Workouts Sept 4th – Sept 9th

Week 4 Cycle 25


For this new 6 week cycle we will be alternating, week to week, between front squatting twice per week and deadlifting once per week OR Deadliftingtwice per week and front squatting once per week. In this way, every 2 weeks members will have a chance to both squat and deadlift on 3 separate occassions. For both exercises, one of these sessions will be focused on going heavy, one will be lighter but utilizing different training techniques such as eccentric focused/ isometric work, and one day will be a combination of heavy and light in order to promote some increases in mass.


Two days of the week we will be doing an extended warm up allowing us to work on some extra plyometric training where the focus will be on moving more explosively. A barbell complex will be a mainstay for one of the days with the focus on being adding a small amount of weight to the bar each week.


Obviously, we will be keeping up our single leg/ single arm work with the RFESS being kept in the programme. As always plenty of effective core strengthening/stability exercises will be seen as well as much loved conditioning tools and hill runs.


After a satisfying test week we have a challenging but fun 6 weeks ahead!




Cond: Tabata: 3 mins Alt for each pairing (rest 1 min after first couplet)

DL KB Clean / Burpee

Jump Lunge/Sit up


A1. Pause Strict Press 3 x 6

A2. Band Pullaparts 3 x 15


B. Push Press 8/5/3


C (BB) RFESS 3 x 8 r/l


Cond: 4Rounds

Wallballs 30s

Swings 30s

Rest 30s



  1. S/L BB RDL 2 x 8 r/l
  2. D/L BB RDL (ecc/iso) 2 x 8


A1. Deadlift 5 x 3

A1. Bottoms up KB Press 3 x 6 r/l


B1. (Weighted) Ring Push up 3 x 10

B2. (Weighted) Pull up 3 x 6


Cond: Hill Runs

2 Runs from gym

4 Short hills – 2 short hills before each long run.

Alternate between them




KB Squat Jump (ecc/iso) 2 x 5

Box Jump 2 x 5


A1. Front Squat 3 x 4, 1 x 10


B1. TGU 3 x 2 r/l

B2. Hollow rocks 3 x 30s

B3. Standing Side Bends 3 x 15


Cond: 8min Partner AMRAP

1 KB Man Maker

1 Burpee

2,3,4 of each and so on until time elapses.



A1. BB Complex: 5 sets 5 reps

Push Press

Rev Lunge

Squat Jump

BO Row



B1. Landmine 3 x 8 r/l

B2. Pallof Presses 3 x 10 – slow tempo

B3. Plank shoulder walkouts 3 x 10


2 x 4min

2 min Partner Bear Crawls


2min individual rounds :

10 KB Thruster

10 Jump Lunges

Rest 2mins






Banded KB Swing 2 x 15

SL Jumps 2 x 3e/s


A1.Pause Deadlift below the knee 4 x 6

A2. Bottoms up KB Press 3 x 6 r/l


B1. Jammer press 3 x 10 r/l

B2. S/A Ring Row 3 x 6 r/l


Cond: 1 hill

4 rounds

KB Swing x 10

Burpee x 10

1 hill


August 27, 2017No Comments

Workouts 28th August – 2nd September

Week 3 Cycle 25


For this new 6 week cycle we will be alternating, week to week, between front squatting twice per week and deadlifting once per week OR Deadliftingtwice per week and front squatting once per week. In this way, every 2 weeks members will have a chance to both squat and deadlift on 3 separate occassions. For both exercises, one of these sessions will be focused on going heavy, one will be lighter but utilizing different training techniques such as eccentric focused/ isometric work, and one day will be a combination of heavy and light in order to promote some increases in mass.


Two days of the week we will be doing an extended warm up allowing us to work on some extra plyometric training where the focus will be on moving more explosively. A barbell complex will be a mainstay for one of the days with the focus on being adding a small amount of weight to the bar each week.


Obviously, we will be keeping up our single leg/ single arm work with the RFESS being kept in the programme. As always plenty of effective core strengthening/stability exercises will be seen as well as much loved conditioning tools and hill runs.


After a satisfying test week we have a challenging but fun 6 weeks ahead!





KB Squat Jump (ecc/iso) 2 x 5

Box Jump 2 x 5


A1. Front Squat 5 x 3

A1. Bottoms up KB Press 3 x 6 r/l


B1. (Weighted) Ring Push up 3 x 10

B2. (Weighted) Pull up 3 x 6


Cond: 8min Partner AMRAP

1 KB Man Maker

1 Burpee

2,3,4 of each and so on until time elapses.




Cond: 8 mins Alt EMOM

Push ups / Slams x10

Ring Rows/ Wallballs x 10


A1. Pause Strict Press 3 x 6

A2. Band Pullaparts 3 x 15


B. Push Press 8/5/3


C (BB) RFESS 3 x 8 r/l


Cond: 3 x 2:30min AMRAPs – 1min rest between rounds

5 burpees

10 Situps

15 KB Swings




  1. S/L BB RDL 2 x 8 r/l
  2. D/L BB RDL (ecc/iso) 2 x 8


A1. Deadlift 3 x 4 , 1 x 10


B1. TGU 3 x 2 r/l

B2. Deadbug 3 x 20

B3. Weighted Plank 3 x 60s



1Hill Run

16-14-12....4 KB Swings

4-6-8..... 16 Slams

1 Hill Run





Banded KB Swing 2 x 15

SL Bounds 2 x 3e/s


A1. Front Squat (ecc/iso) 4 x 6

A2. Bottoms up KB Press 4 x 6 r/l


B1. S/A 1/2 kneeling press 3 x 10 r/l

B2. S/A KB Row 3 x 10 r/l


Cond: 8mins- start at 4 reps and increase by 1 rep per min


Jump Lunge


Haning Knee Raises




A1. BB Complex: 5 sets 5 reps

Push Press

Rev Lunge

Squat Jump

BO Row



B1. Landmine 3 x 10 r/l

B2. Side Plank Bends 3 x 15

B3. Ring Rollout 3 x 10


Cond: Hill Runs

2 Runs from gym

2 Short hills

Alternate between them.


August 20, 2017No Comments

Workouts 21 Aug – 26 Aug

Week 2 Cycle 25


For this new 6 week cycle we will be alternating, week to week, between front squatting twice per week and deadlifting once per week OR Deadlifting twice per week and front squatting once per week. In this way, every 2 weeks members will have a chance to both squat and deadlift on 3 separate occassions. For both exercises, one of these sessions will be focused on going heavy, one will be lighter but utilizing different training techniques such as eccentric focused/ isometric work, and one day will be a combination of heavy and light in order to promote some increases in mass.


Two days of the week we will be doing an extended warm up allowing us to work on some extra plyometric training where the focus will be on moving more explosively. A barbell complex will be a mainstay for one of the days with the focus on being adding a small amount of weight to the bar each week.


Obviously, we will be keeping up our single leg/ single arm work with the RFESS being kept in the programme. As always plenty of effective core strengthening/stability exercises will be seen as well as much loved conditioning tools and hill runs.


After a satisfying test week we have a challenging but fun 6 weeks ahead!




Cond: Tabata: 3 mins Alt for each pairing (rest 1 min after first couplet)

DL KB Clean / Burpee

Jump Lunge/Sit up


A1. Pause Strict Press 3 x 6

A2. Band Pullaparts 3 x 15


B. Push Press 8/5/3


C (BB) RFESS 3 x 8 r/l


Cond: 5 min AMRAP

KB Clean and Press x 5 r/l

Sit up x 8



  1. S/L BB RDL 2 x 8 r/l
  2. D/L BB RDL (ecc/iso) 2 x 8


A1. Deadlift 5 x 3

A1. Bottoms up KB Press 3 x 6 r/l


B1. (Weighted) Ring Push up 3 x 10

B2. (Weighted) Pull up 3 x 6


Cond: Hill Runs

2 Runs from gym

2 Short hills

Alternate between them.





KB Squat Jump (ecc/iso) 2 x 5

Box Jump 2 x 5


A1. Front Squat 3 x 4, 1 x 10


B1. TGU 3 x 2 r/l

B2. Weighted Deadbug 3 x 20

B3. Side Plank 3 x 30s e/s


Cond: 8min Partner AMRAP

1 KB Man Maker

1 Burpee

2,3,4 of each and so on until time elapses.



A1. BB Complex: 5 sets 5 reps

Push Press

Rev Lunge

Squat Jump

BO Row



B1. Landmine 3 x 10 r/l

B2. Pallof Hold 3 x 30s r/l

B3. Plank shoulder walkouts 3 x 10


Cond: 8 mins Alt EMOM

Hanging knee raises/Slams x10

Ring Rows/ Wallballs x 10





Banded KB Swing 2 x 15

SL Bounds 2 x 3e/s


A1.Pause Deadlift below the knee 4 x 6

A2. Bottoms up KB Press 3 x 6 r/l


B1. Jammer press 3 x 10 r/l

B2. S/A Ring Row 3 x 6 r/l


Cond: 1 hill

4 rounds

KB Swing x 10

Burpee x 10

1 hils


August 13, 2017No Comments

Workouts 14th August – 19th August

Week 1 Cycle 25


For this new 6 week cycle we will be alternating, week to week, between front squatting twice per week and deadlifting once per week OR Deadliftingtwice per week and front squatting once per week. In this way, every 2 weeks members will have a chance to both squat and deadlift on 3 separate occassions. For both exercises, one of these sessions will be focused on going heavy, one will be lighter but utilizing different training techniques such as eccentric focused/ isometric work, and one day will be a combination of heavy and light in order to promote some increases in mass.


Two days of the week we will be doing an extended warm up allowing us to work on some extra plyometric training where the focus will be on moving more explosively. A barbell complex will be a mainstay for one of the days with the focus on being adding a small amount of weight to the bar each week.


Obviously, we will be keeping up our single leg/ single arm work with the RFESS being kept in the programme. As always plenty of effective core strengthening/stability exercises will be seen as well as much loved conditioning tools and hill runs.


After a satisfying test week we have a challenging but fun 6 weeks ahead!





KB Squat Jump (ecc/iso) 2 x 5

Box Jump 2 x 5


A1. Front Squat 5 x 3

A1. Bottoms up KB Press 5 x 6 r/l


B1. (Weighted) Ring Push up 3 x 10

B2. (Weighted) Pull up 3 x 6


Cond: 8 mins Alt EMOM

Push ups/Ring Rows x10

Slams/ Wallballs x 10




Cond: Tabata: 3 mins Alt for each pairing (rest 1 min after first couplet)

DL KB Clean / Burpee

Jump Lunge/Sit up


A1. Pause Strict Press 3 x 6

A2. Band Pullaparts 3 x 15


B. Push Press 8/5/3


C (BB) RFESS 3 x 8 r/l


Cond: 6 AMRAP

10 OH Plate Lunge

10 Plate GTOH

10 Plate Squats

10 Elbow – Hand Planks

30s rest

+ max effort wall squat hold




  1. S/L BB RDL 2 x 8 r/l
  2. D/L BB RDL (ecc/iso) 2 x 8


A1. Deadlift 3 x 4 , 1 x 10


B1. TGU 3 x 2 r/l

B2. Deadbug 3 x 20

B3. Weighted Plank 3 x 60s


Cond: 8min Partner AMRAP

1 KB Man Maker

1 Burpee

2,3,4 of each and so on until time elapses.





Banded KB Swing 2 x 15

SL Bounds 2 x 3e/s


A1. Front Squat (ecc/iso) 4 x 6

A2. Bottoms up KB Press 4 x 6 r/l


B1. S/A 1/2 kneeling press 3 x 10 r/l

B2. S/A KB Row 3 x 10 r/l


Cond: 6 hills

Alt short/ Green gate




A1. BB Complex: 5 sets 5 reps

Push Press

Rev Lunge

Squat Jump

BO Row



B1. Landmine 3 x 10 r/l

B2. S/A KB Hold 3 x 30s r/l

B3. Standing Ring fallout 3 x 10


Cond: Tabata (20s/10s) x 4mins


Rest 1min

Alternate Jump Lunges and SitUps