Week 6 Cycle 25
For this new 6 week cycle we will be alternating, week to week, between front squatting twice per week and deadlifting once per week OR Deadlifting twice per week and front squatting once per week. In this way, every 2 weeks members will have a chance to both squat and deadlift on 3 separate occassions. For both exercises, one of these sessions will be focused on going heavy, one will be lighter but utilizing different training techniques such as eccentric focused/ isometric work, and one day will be a combination of heavy and light in order to promote some increases in mass.
Two days of the week we will be doing an extended warm up allowing us to work on some extra plyometric training where the focus will be on moving more explosively. A barbell complex will be a mainstay for one of the days with the focus on being adding a small amount of weight to the bar each week.
Obviously, we will be keeping up our single leg/ single arm work with the RFESS being kept in the programme. As always plenty of effective core strengthening/stability exercises will be seen as well as much loved conditioning tools and hill runs.
After a satisfying test week we have a challenging but fun 6 weeks ahead!
Cond: Tabata: 3 mins Alt for each pairing (rest 1 min after first couplet)
DL KB Clean / Burpee
Jump Lunge/Sit up
A1. Pause Strict Press 3 x 6
A2. Band Pullaparts 3 x 15
B. Push Press 8/5/3
C (BB) RFESS 3 x 8 r/l
Cond: 4Rounds
Wallballs 30s
Swings 30s
Rest 30s
S/L BB RDL 2 x 8 r/l
D/L BB RDL (ecc/iso) 2 x 8
A1. Deadlift 5 x 3
A1. Bottoms up KB Press 3 x 6 r/l
B1. (Weighted) Ring Push up 3 x 10
B2. (Weighted) Pull up 3 x 6
Cond: Hill Runs
2 Runs from gym
4 Short hills – 2 short hills before each long run.
Alternate between them
KB Squat Jump (ecc/iso) 2 x 5
Box Jump 2 x 5
A1. Front Squat 3 x 4, 1 x 10
B1. TGU 2 x 5 r/l
B2. Hollow rocks + hold 2 x 20s + 20s
B3. Russian twist & press 2 x 10
Cond: 8min Partner AMRAP
1 KB Man Maker
1 Burpee
2,3,4 of each and so on until time elapses.
A1. BB Complex: 5 sets 5 reps
Push Press
Rev Lunge
Squat Jump
BO Row
B1. Landmine 3 x 8 r/l
B2. Pallof Presses 3 x 10 – slow tempo
B3. Plank shoulder walkouts 3 x 10
2 x 4min
2 min Partner Bear Crawls
2min individual rounds:
10 Plate GTOH
10 Jump Lunges
Rest 2mins
Banded KB Swing 2 x 15
SL Jumps 2 x 3e/s
A1.Pause Deadlift below the knee 4 x 6
A2. Bottoms up KB Press 3 x 6 r/l
B1. Jammer press 3 x 10 r/l
B2. S/A Ring Row 3 x 6 r/l
Cond: 20s on/10s off. Cycle through the exercises for 18 rounds
KB Push Press
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