Cycle 41 Week 1
One of the main features of this new 6 week training cycle is the re-introduction of a progressively loaded 20 rep squat routine. However, this time it will be in the form of the front squat. This will be programmed in at the start of the session 3 times per week (mon,wed,fri). If members are not in on any of those days, there will be an option to complete it on Tuesdays and Thursdays at some point throughout the programmed session.
We will also be introducing a power based, core based and TGU based warm-up as staples throughout the 6 weeks.
Things that are making a return this cycle are the likes of the timed BB reverse lunges, KB snatches, BB good mornings and wall walks to name but a few.
This program leads us nicely into mid-December and so is a great time to get some quality training in before the festive season.
Really like the look of this one folks so have at it and let’s finish off this year with a solid 6 weeks of structured training.
Monday S&C
Power 1:
BB Jump Squats 3 x 3
Split squat jumps 3 x 5e/s
Slam + side toss 3 x 5 + 5
1a. Front Squat 20rep - starting @ 50-60% 1 rm
2a. Tempo Back squat 3 x 5-5s hold
2b. Ring Pushups 3 x 8
2c. SA KB Row 3 x 8e/s
10mins: KB Man Makers
1 with squat + 1 with lunge
2 with squat + 2 with lunge and so on until 10 mins up
Tuesday S&C
A1. Pause Bench Press 4x6
A2. SL RDL 3 x 5e/s – double KB
B1. (Elevated Feet) Ring Rows 3x10
B2. Band Resisted KB Swing 3x10
B3. Plate Crunches 3x10
BB Complex 5 rounds:
5 RDL’s
5 BO Rows
5 Hang Cleans
5 Push Press
5 Squats
5 Burpees over the bar
Wednesday S&C
Core circuit: 2 Rounds
Floor Wipers x 16
Plank Shoulder Walkouts x 8
SL Feet Elevated Glute Bridge x 10 e/s
1a. Front Squat 20rep - starting @ 50-60% 1 rm
2a Deadlift 5/3/1/1 or 4x5
2b KB Snatch + SA Press 3 x 5+5e/s
2c Chins 3 x 3
4min AMRAP
10 Slams
5 KB Clean & Press e/s
10 Squat Jumps
90s rest
4min AMRAP
15 squats
10 Jump Lunges
5 pushups
Thursday S&C
A1. Push Press 3x5
A2. Side Plank variations 3 x 30s e/s
B1. BB Rev Lunge 90s on/90s off, 60s on/60s off, 30s on/30s off
C1. Pull ups 2/4/6
C2. Walk Walks 2x3
Conditioning EMOM 8 rounds
8 Wallballs
8 Slams
8 Hanging Knee Raises
Friday S&C
TGU 4/3/2 e/s
1a Front Squat 20rep - starting @ 50-60% 1 rm
2a BB Good Mornings 3 x 8
2b KB SA Incline Chest Press 3 x 8e/s
3a Walking Lunges 3 x 10 pause + 10 normal
3b Tempo Ring Jacknifes 3 x 10
15 Burpees
5 Rounds:
15 Wallballs
1 TGU r/l
15 burpees
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