Test week Pre Cycle 29



1a Back Squat 3RM


2a Pushups in 60s

2b Chins in 60s


3a Banded KB Swing 2 x 20

3b Inchworm w/ press 2 x 6

3c Hanging Leg Raises 2 x 10

3d Ring rollout 2 x 8


Cond: 2 Rounds

50 KB swings

40 Air squats

30 Sit ups

20 Ring Rows

10 Pushups



Jump Tests:

Max Height Countermovement

Max Height Squat Jump


1a Push Press 1 RM


2a BB BO Row 3 x 10

2b Weighted Plank 2 x 60s

2c Hollow Hold 2 x 30s


Throughout the session, people are also to perform a 500m max effort row for time






1a Deadlift 3RM

2a Bench Press 5RM

2b Pause Ring Rows 3 x 10-3s pause


3a Deadbugs 2 x 16

3b Russian Twist & Press 2 x 8


Cond: 2min AMRAP – 4 Rounds

2 Burpees

5 Pushups

7 KB Clean

10 Wallballs

60s rest between rounds






Throughout the session, people are also to perform a 500m max effort row for time


1a TGU 1RM

2a Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat 3 x 5e/s

2b Chins 3RM


3a Jammer Press 3 x 10e/s

3b Plank Rotations 3 x 10e/s


Cond: Circuit 45s/15s x 2 Rounds

Ring Plank



Jump Lunges

Ring Mountain Climbers




1a Pause Front Squat 3 x 5 – 3s pause

1b SL RDL 3 x 5e/s

1c Spiderman Plank 3 x 16


2a Farmers Carry 2 x 6

2b Ring Jacknife 2 x 15



10min AMRAP – Partner

10 Bear crawls – you go i go

20 Burpees – you go i go