New 6 week programme folks!!!!!
These 6 weeks will be focused around drop sets. Drop sets are essentially a technique where you perform an exercise and then drop (reduce) the weight and continue for more reps. A brilliant way of building work capacity and strength whilst. We will also be following 5/4/3 rep scheme for major lower body lifts so the aim here is to increase weight each set while the reps drop.
Warm-ups for next 6 weeks will also focus around improving and progressing both push -/pull-up strength in addition to overhead squat technique.
We will also have an option of a weightlifting group for those that want to continue with them of which we hope a few will. However, if you decide to do this you cannot just cherry pick the clean and neglect the snatch, if you’re in weightlifting then you’re doing both!
1a Squat 3 x 5/4/3 + 10
1b SL Ball Glute Bridge 3 x 8 r/l
2a Ring archer pushup 3 x 10
2b SA KB Carry 3 x 2 lengths
2c KB Twist and Press 3 x 8
Cond: Circuit 45/15
KB pulls over bar
Ring Mountain Climbers
Ring Assisted SL squats
Ladder Walk
Elbow-Hand Plank
Bar Hang
1a Strict Press 3 x 6 + 12
1b SA KB Row 3 x 6 + 12
2a KB Step Up 3 x 6
2b Landmines 3 x 16
3a Max Weighted Plank 1 x max 10/20kg
Cond: 3 Rounds:
3/2/90s min AMRAP:
5 Bupree-Long Jumps
10 Kettlebell Swings
Rest 60s
1a Deadlift 3 x 5/4/3 + 10
1b SA Alternating KB Chest press 3 x 8 r/l
2a KB Swing 2 x 90/60s
3a SA Sit up 2 x 8 r/l
3b Leg Lowers 2 x 15
3c Lying Supermans 2 x 15
Cond: For time:
25 Dips/pushups
15 Box Jumps 24/20
25 Pull ups/Ring Rows
15 Box Jumps
25 Weighted Sit Ups
15 Box Jumps
25 Hanging Knee Raises
15 Box Jumps
- Power Clean – 2RM
- Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk – build to heaviest possible
- Deadlift 2 x 5
1a Chins 3 x 6 + 12
1b Floor Press 3 x 6 +12
2a BB Reverse Lunge 3 x 6 r/l
2b BB Jump Squats 3 x 3
Cond: 15min Partner AMRAP – break up reps as necessary
40 Wallballs
150 Skips
500m Wallball carry
1a BB Thruster 3 x 8 +16
1b Hanging Knee Raises 3 x 10
2a KB farmers Hold 1 x max
3a Eccentric Bicep Curl 3 x 8
3b Ring Tricep extensions 3 x 12
- Snatch Pull + hang Power snatch + Snatch - build to heaviest possible
- Snatch Bal + 2 sec hold at bottom – 2RM
500m Run
Goblet Squat
KB Snatch – reps split between right & left
500m Run
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