Week 4!!!

New 6 week cycle will start incorporating some more weightlifting techniques such as Olympic clean and snatch and some of their variations. This is a brilliant opportunity to add more exercises to what you already know which will also make you more powerful and also improve your body’s movement capabilities. They do come with a caveat of requiring patience however, but for 99% of members they will grow to be an exercise you relish as they are great total body movement and are the natural progression of functional movement, which DTF is all about.


Rep scheme for the big movements will follow the following rep scheme – week 1/2/3 will be 6/4/2 reps & weeks 4/5/6 will be 6/4/2. This will allow you retest your strength gains every 3 weeks




1a Pause Back Squat + Squat 3 x 6 (2 pause + 6 normal)

1b Ring Pushup + negatives 3 x 6 + 2

1c Partial Range Chins 3 x 5 at bottom & at top of movement

2a KB Swing 2 x 90s efforts – 90s rest between efforts

3a SA Reaching Plank 2 x 30s r/l



Start with 500m run

8 Rounds:

8 Wallballs

8 KB Swings

8 Hanging Knee Raises

Finish with 200m run




Dowel Clean Progression warm-up

1a Power Clean + High Hang Clean 3 RM

2a Bent Over Row 3 x 8

2b Ring Dips (band assisted) 3 x 8

2c Lying Wipers 3 x 8 r/l


Cond: Circuit 40/20

Burpee Ball Slams

Ring Jacknifes

Ring rows




Russian Twists

KB Get Ups

Ladder walk

Double KB Cleans




Turk Getup W-Up

1a KB Pause Walking Lunges + normal 3 x 6+6

1b Hamstring Ring Curls 3 x 8

2a Double KB Clean 3 x 10

2b Ring Body Saw on hands 3 x 10

2c Landmines 3 x 16



1 Hill Run

5 Rounds: 5 Pushups

10 Swings

5 rows/chins

1 Hill Run




Dowel Snatch Progression warm-up

1a Power snatch + Overhead squat 3 RM

2a Push press 3 x 6

2b SA KB Row 3 x 10 r/l

2c KB deadbug 3 x 20


Cond: Partner workout – 10min AMRAP

Ascending ladder 1.2........and so on in You go I go format


KB man makers




1a Sumo Deadlift 3 x 6

1b KB Chest flys 3 x 8

1c Ring row (Feet elevated) 3 x max

2a Bicep curl 3 x 21

2b Skull crushers (Ring) 3 x 12


Cond: 10 min AMRAP

5 SA KB Clean & Press r/l

10 Box Jumps

15 Sit Ups

50 Skips