For the next 6 week training period we will be alternating week by week between higher-volume training – higher reps, to lower volume training – heavier weights. The idea is that by alternating the emphasis every week, you prevent the body from stagnating and falling into a rut. The stimulus changes, so you keep progress going longer.
Also, there will be a focus on progressing people’s proficiency with the Kettlebells.
This will be in conjunction with trying to develop better body awareness and control through the implementation of a gymnastics and bodyweight movement training day on a Wed. Handstand training, Olympic rings training and general messing about with movement will be on the cards while trying to progress bodyweight pushing and pulling strength.
A1 Squat 4 x 2
A2 Dead Stop Jumps 4 x 5
B1 Ring Front Reach Pushup 3 x 8
B2 Pull Up negatives 3 x 5 – 5s lower
C1 Double KB Clean & Press 3 x 6
20 Wallballs
OH Wallball Lunge
10 SL Hanging Knee Raises
OH Wallball Lunge
15 Wallballs
OH Wallball Lunge
10 SL Hanging Knee Raises
OH Wallball Lunge
10 Wallballs
OH Wallball Lunge
10 SL Hanging Knee Raises
OH Wallball Lunge
5 Wallballs
OH Wallball Lunge
10 SL Hanging Knee Raises
OH Wallball Lunge
A1 Bent Over BB Row 4 x 10
A2 Half Kneeling Alternating Press 4 x 16
A3 Hand Side Plank 4 x 20s r/l
B1 SA OH KB Split Squat 3 x 6
3 mins
4 pushup
6 Box Over Burpees
8 KB Swings
Rest 2 mins
2 mins
4 pushup
6 Box Over Burpees
8 KB Swings
Rest 1 min
1 min
4 pushup
6 Box Over Burpees
8 KB Swings
Rest 30s
4 pushup
6 Box Over Burpees
- 10min Turkish Get Up Warm –up
- Movement training
- Ring Work
- 10min Handstand Work
10mins EMOTM (every min on the min)
5 pushups
10 rows
15 squats
- Max Effort burpees in remaining time after the even mins...0,2,4....
A1 Behind the Neck Push Press 4 x 10
A2 Chins/Assisted Bar Pullups 4 x 5 (8 if assisted)
A3 Weighted Pullovers 4 x 8
B1 Plate/BB OH Lunge/OH Squat 3 x 8
Circuits / Missed Conditioning
A1 Deadlifts 4 x 2
A2 Pistol progressions 4 x 8
B1 Unassisted SA KB Row 3 x 8r/l
B2 L sit Progressions 3 x 20s
B3 Box Glute Bridges 3 x 12
KB Man Makers 8/6/4/2
Skipping 100/75/50/25
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