Over the next 6 weeks we will be focusing more on one of the BIG Compound Lifts – THE DEADLIFT. This will be in conjunction with introducing a Fat Loss or Performance day every Wednesday. Each of you will prioritize whether Fat Loss or Performance Gains are your number one goal and will follow varied programmes accordingly for that day.


We would also highly encourage you to do the following in order to track your progress regardless of your goal. 1. Take a picture from a few angles, 2. Come in a few mins early and let us take a few girth measurements along with weight and finally, 3. Keep a food diary for 3 days so we can offer nutritional guidance in order to maximize your training efforts.


“Stronger people are harder to kill”




Supplementary Exercises: Make sure and start getting strict on your mobility/flexibility work. This involves coming only 5-10 minutes before a class and getting your prescribed work done. In order for you to progress you need to have the necessary mobility to get into more demanding positions which will ensure your constant physical evolution.




A1 Conventional Deadlift 4 x 3

A2 KB Clean & Press 4 x 6


B1 Weighted Plank 3 x 30-45s

B2 Partner Wipers 3 x 8 r/l

B3 SL Glute Bridge 3 x 8 r/l



20/30 Wallballs


15 Kb Swing

5/8 Box Jumps

5 Chins/8 Rows

20/30 Wallballs





A1 Strict OH Press 4 x 5

A2 Plate Around the worlds 4 x 10 r/l

A3 BB Bent Over Row 4 x 8

B1 BB Reverse Lunge 1min on/off


Cond: 4 Rounds

Max effort Unbroken KB Thrusters – 1min

Max effort Unbroken Hanging Knee raises – 1min

- rest for remaining time left in minute





S&C – Fat Loss                                                                                                   S&C - Weightlifting

A1 Back Squat 4 x 5/10

A2 Box jumps 4 x 10

A3 (Hindu/Banded/Weighted) Pushups 4 x 10

B1 RDL 3 x 6

B2 V Sits 3 x 12


Cond: Tabata 3 mins each:

Pushups + Ring Rows

Jump lunges + Squats

Knee to elbow crunch + Russian Twists




A1 Pullups 4 x 4

A2 KB Pullovers 4 x 8

A3 Kneeling KB OH Press 4 x 8

B1 KB Step-ups 3 x 6 r/l

C1 Isometric Chin Hold 1 x max


Circuit: 40s/20s


Ring mountain Climbers


Jump Lunges

Ring Rows

Ring Pushups




A1 Sumo Deadlift 4 x 4

A2 SA Ring Row 4 x 8

A3 Childs Pose 4 x 15 s each direction


B1 Turkish get Ups – 10mins to get a 3RM


Cond: 3 Rounds – start every round with 50/100 skips

5 Burpees

10 Wallballs

20 Pushups

30 Sit Ups