Cycle 37 Week 2
Brand new 6 weeks ahead and this time it comes with a new timetable!
What this means is that on Mon there will be a 30min core & mobility class at 530pm followed by a 30min HIIT (high intensity interval training) style class at 6pm, whereas, on Wed they will be at 430pm & 5pm respectively.
On Tuesday and Thurs our 530pm and 615pm (previously 630pm) class will now be 45min sessions with 2 shorter style conditioning pieces to start and finish each session.
On Fri, our 530pm class will now be a standalone HIIT class.
Big compound lifts will follow the structure of 8-6-4-2-1, it is important however that each of these reps is a training rep with good form and not a rep max every time.
We feel this program covers and caters for everything we are looking to improve upon and will also allow people a new variety of classes that will hopefully keep training fresh and stimulating.
Any questions about it all, just fire away.
Cond 1: 6min warm-up
6 Spiderman Stretches
6 Yoga Pushups
6 Burpees
10 Plate GTOH
10 Plate Lunges
1a Bench Press 8-6-4-2-1 (no fails on 1’s)
1b Feet Elevated Ring Chins 3 x 10
(1c KB Reverse Lunges 3 x 8e/s)
2a Turkish Get Up 2 x 2e/s
2b Banded Pullaparts 2 x 15
Cond 2: 3mins:
6 Burpees
6 Plate GTOH
6 Plate Lunges
10s on/off, 20s/20s, 30s/30s, 20s/20s, 10s/10s
Bear crawls
Core: 2 rounds
Pallof twist x 10e/s
Hollow Hold x 30s
Tempo Ring Jacknifes x 10
1a Hang Clean – build to heavy 3 – 5sets total
2a Deadlift 8-6-4-2-1 (no fails on 1’s)
2b Dips 3 x 10
2c BB BO Rows 3 x 10
Cond: 10 mins ascending ladder
1 SA KB Thruster right & left
1 Sit
1 Jump Lunge r/l
Then 2,3,4 and so on.......
Cond 1:
2min Tabata – Slams
2min Tabata – Wallballs
1a Pullups 3 x 5
1b Strict Press 3 x 5
2a Chins 3 x 3
2b Push Press 3 x 3
3a BB RFESS 3 x 5e/s
3b Ring Rollouts 3 x 8
Cond 2:
6min Tabata – Alternating between Slams & Wallballs
Power Circuit: 3 Rounds
BB Squat Jumps x 5
Box Jump x 3 – stick landing from box
1a Back Squat 8-6-4-2-1 (no fails on 1’s)
1b BB RDL 3 x 8
1c Ring Flutters 3 x 8
Upper Body Circuit – 10mins:
SA KB Chest Press x 10e/s
Ring Rows x 10
Bicep curls x 10
Skullcrushers x 10
Cond: 10mins - Start at 5, +1 every round
KB Swing
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