Week 6!!!

New 6 week cycle will start incorporating some more weightlifting techniques such as Olympic clean and snatch and some of their variations. This is a brilliant opportunity to add more exercises to what you already know which will also make you more powerful and also improve your body’s movement capabilities. They do come with a caveat of requiring patience however, but for 99% of members they will grow to be an exercise you relish as they are great total body movement and are the natural progression of functional movement, which DTF is all about.

Rep scheme for the big movements will follow the following rep scheme – week 1/2/3 will be 6/4/2 reps & weeks 4/5/6 will be 6/4/2. This will allow you retest your strength gains every 3 weeks



Turkish get up W-Up

1a Front Racked BB Step Ups 3 x 6 r/l

1b SL RDLs 3 x 6 r/l

2a KB Swing 3 x 20

2b Ring Rollout 3 x 8

2c Plate Around the Worlds 3 x 16

Cond: 90s rounds

6 KB Thrusters

6 Situps

6 Box Jump 20”

Increase reps by 2 per round until you can’t finish in the 90s time period



1a Power snatch + OHS + Snatch Bal – 15 mins focusing on technique not weight moved

2a Strict press 3 x 8

2b Pullups 3 x 5 + 20-30 hold at top

2c V-sits 3 x 10 + 20s hold


200m 10/20kg Plate Carry

50 Pressups

50 squats

50 Ring Rows

200m 10/20kg Plate Carry



1a Pause Back Squat + Squat 3 x 4 (2 pause + 2 normal)

1b Pause Ring Pushup 3 x 8

1c Chins 3 x 8

2a Max long jump test

3a Ring Plank / Handstand Hold 2 x max or 60s

Cond: 10min AMRAP

10 KB Clean & Press

5 Plank Walkouts

5 Burpees

200m run



1a Sumo Deadlift 3 x 2

1b Push - ups with jacknife 3 x 10 (dependent on ability)

1c Hollow hold with leg raises 3 x 30s + 10

2a Bicep curls (varied grip width) 3 x 10

2b Ring tricep extensions 3 x 12


30 KB Swings

20 Wallballs

10 Box Jumps

5 Burpees

200m run

5 Burpees

10 Box Jumps

20 Wallballs

30 KB Swings



Dowel Clean Progression warm-up

1a Clean

2a BB Bent over row 3 x 8

2b Alt S/A KB chest press 3 x 8 r/l

2c KB pullovers 3 x 12

Cond: 5 Rounds

5 High Pulls

5 Push Press

5 Front Squat

10 V-sits