Cycle 22 Week 3
Within this new cycle, big lifts (squat, deadlift) will comprise of 4 working sets. 3 sets of a heavy 3 reps, finishing with a final set of max effort reps at Bodyweight for those able or 3/4 BW.
Structure of some classes will differ with a couple of days including 2 conditioning pieces and one day with a longer conditioning ;-).
Certain lifts such as the Push press and BO row will comprise of 4 working sets. Push press will follow 3 sets of a heavy 3 with a final set at a weight allowing the individual to perform 10+. Bent over row will follow a similar structure with the first 3 sets set at 8 reps and a final high rep set at a weight allowing for 15+ reps.
Certain exercises which may not have been in the last cycle include Front squat, BB Step-up, as well as weighted plate push ups.
A1. Back Squat x 3/3/3/(BW) max
A2. Banded KB Swing 3 x 12
Cond: 8 mins 30/30
Cond: Tabata x 6 rounds
KB Rev Lunge
KB Pulls
Ring chest flys
A1. Weighted Plate (Ring) Push up 4 x 10
A2. Weighted Pull up (ring/bar) 4 x 6/max
B1. S/L BB RDL 3 x 6 r/l
B2. Split stance OH KB Press 3 x 10 r/l
C1. Hollow hold + leg raise 2 x 20s + 10
C2. Superman hold + dynamics 2 x 20s + 10
Cond: 10-8-6-8-10
KB Thruster
Ring Row
Sit up
Cond: 8 mins
TGU x 1 r/l
Slams x 10
Sit up x 10
i. Front Squat 4 x 6
ii. Ring Fallouts 4 x 10
iii. Deadbug 4 x 20
Cond:10mins AMRAP
30 BW squats
20 KB Swings
10 Plate GTOH
5 Dips/Pushups
A1. Deadlift 3/3/3/ (BW) +
A2. Pause Box jump 3 x 4
B1. Hip Thrust 2 x 15
B2. Floor wipers 3 x 6 r/l
Cond: 15 mins
even – 10 KB swings / 8 Rows (5 Chins)
odd –20 jump lunges/ 8 push ups – finish time in pushup plank
rest 2 mins
5 min
Slams x 8 each
Wallball x 8 each
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