With testing completed following cycle 17, it is now the beginning of a brand new cycle.

We will be continuing to implement the compound lifts such as the squat and deadlift every week along with some single leg work such as the rear foot elevated split squat. Both bilateral and unilateral upperbody work will also be incorporated.

The Turkish Get-up will remain in the programme as well as improving on general core strength and stability.

As usual, appropriate activation/mobilisation techniques will be used in all warm ups as well as rehab/prehab strategies.


i: 3 rounds

Wallball x 8

Slams x 8

Ring Row x 8

A1. RFESS 3 x 8 r/l

A2. Ring Flys 3 x 10

A3. Rev Crunch + Hollow Hold 3 x 5+20s

B1. 1/2 kneeling KB press 3 x 10 r/l

B2. Tempo Chins 3 x 6

Cond: Odd & Evens 10mins

Even – 10 KB Swing + 10 Jump Lunges

Odd – 6 Burpees + finish time Plank


A1. Strict Press + Push Press 4 x 5+5

A2. S/A Ring Chin 4 x 8 r/l

B1. S/A OH Carry 3 x 2L r/l

B2. Spidey Plank 3 x 12

Cond: 3 rounds 45/15

Wall Sit


KB PuPus

Finish with 100 partner wallballs.


i: 3 rounds

Plank rot x 6 r/l

Deadbug x 16

KB Swing x 20

Groin Squeeze x 10

A1. Squat (every 2 mins for 10 mins) x 4

B1. TGU (1/2 + Full) 3 x 2 r/l

Cond: 45/15


Goblet squat

Plank walkout




Goblet rev lunge

Ball pick + toss

Plate crunch

KB Push Press

Ring row

Ring mountain climber


A1. BB Rev Lunge 3 x 5r/l

A2. Squat Jump 3 x 5

A3. Hanging knee raises 3 x 5 r/l

B1. BB BO Row 3 x 15

B2. Ecc/Pause Push up 3 x 10

Cond: Hill Runs

7 Hill Runs alternating between short & long ( in front of house past pub)

Start with short run to finish with 2 long runs.


A1. Deadlift (every 2 mins for 10 mins) x 4

B1. Dips/ Push ups 3 x max

B2. Pull ups 3 x max

C1. Weighted Plank x 60/45/30s

Cond: 10mins

10 KB Thrusters r/l

10 Ring Rows/5 Chins

1 Turkish Getup r/l