Workouts Jan 6 – Jan 11
Cycle 42 Week 1 Monday A. 4 rounds Push Press x 5 Box Jump x 5 Pause Front Squat x 5 Chins/Row x 5/10 BB Reverse Lunge x 5 r/l…
Cycle 42 Week 1 Monday A. 4 rounds Push Press x 5 Box Jump x 5 Pause Front Squat x 5 Chins/Row x 5/10 BB Reverse Lunge x 5 r/l…
Pre X-mas week/ Potential new 6 week programme Monday A. 4 rounds Push Press x 5 Box Jump x 5 Pause Front Squat x 5 Chins/Row x 5/10 BB Reverse…
Test week Pre Cycle 42 Monday 1a Back Squat 1RM 2a Max effort Push ups 2b Chins in 60s 3a KB Swing 2 x 20 3b Hanging Leg Raises 2…
Cycle 41 Week 6 One of the main features of this new 6 week training cycle is the re-introduction of a progressively loaded 20 rep squat routine. However, this time…
Cycle 41 Week 5 One of the main features of this new 6 week training cycle is the re-introduction of a progressively loaded 20 rep squat routine. However, this time…
Cycle 41 Week 4 One of the main features of this new 6 week training cycle is the re-introduction of a progressively loaded 20 rep squat routine. However, this time…
Cycle 41 Week 3 One of the main features of this new 6 week training cycle is the re-introduction of a progressively loaded 20 rep squat routine. However, this time…
Cycle 41 Week 2 One of the main features of this new 6 week training cycle is the re-introduction of a progressively loaded 20 rep squat routine. However, this time…
Cycle 41 Week 1 One of the main features of this new 6 week training cycle is the re-introduction of a progressively loaded 20 rep squat routine. However, this time…
Test week Pre Cycle 41 Monday 1a Back Squat 1RM 2a Max effort Push ups 2b Chins in 60s 3a KB Swing 2 x 20 3b Hanging Leg Raises 2…
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