August 23, 2015No Comments

Workouts 24th Aug – 29th Aug

Week 3.

These 6 weeks will be focused around drop sets. Drop sets are essentially a technique where you perform an exercise and then drop (reduce) the weight and continue for more reps. A brilliant way of building work capacity and strength whilst. We will also be following 5/4/3 rep scheme for major lower body lifts so the aim here is to increase weight each set while the reps drop.

Warm-ups for next 6 weeks will also focus around improving and progressing both push -/pull-up strength in addition to overhead squat technique.

We will also have an option of a weightlifting group for those that want to continue with them of which we hope a few will. However, if you decide to do this you cannot just cherry pick the clean and neglect the snatch, if you’re in weightlifting then you’re doing both!



1a Deadlift 3 x 5/4/3 + 10

1b Half Kneeling SA KB Press 3 x 8 r/l

2a KB Swing 2 x 90/60s

3a KB Pullover 2 x 8

3b Leg Lowers 2 x 15

3c Sit up & Twist 2 x 16


  1. Power Clean – 2RM

  2. Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk – build to heaviest possible

  3. Deadlift 2 x 5

Cond: Fight Gone Bad Style Workout


Box Jump

KB Clean & Press

1min Rest



1a Chins 3 x 6 + 12

1b Floor Press 3 x 6 +12

2a KB Front Racked Walking Lunges 3 x 2 lengths

2b Pause Jump Squats 3 x 3 – 3 sec pause


  1. 5 min to run 2 hills

  2. 2 min max effort Plank Walkouts

2 min max effort KB Deadlifts

1 min max effort Burpees



1a Squat 3 x 5/4/3 + 10

1b Ring Hamstring Rollouts 3 x 10

2a T-Pushup 3 x 10

2b SA KB Carry 3 x 2l

2c Plank with reach 3 x 6 r/l – 3s reach

Cond: 10 min AMRAP
20 Air Squats
15 Burpees
10 Hanging Knee Raises



1a Behind the Neck Push Press 3 x 6 + 12

1b Negative Pullups 3 x 6 – 5 s lower

2a RFESS 3 x 6 r/l

2b KB Windmills 3 x 6 r/l

3a Max Weighted Plank 1 x max 10/20kg


8 Hill Runs

Alternating distance between from the gate into other industrial estate down the hill and back and also just the hill itself....



1a BB Thruster 3 x 6+12

1b Ring Pikes + Body saws 3 x 5+5

2a KB farmers Hold 1 x max

3a Tempo Bicep Curls 3 x 8

3b Skullcrushers 3 x 10


  1. Snatch Pull + hang Power snatch + Snatch - build to heaviest possible

  2. Snatch Bal + 2 sec hold at bottom – 2RM

Cond: 5 Rounds BB Complex

5 RDLs

5 BO Row

5 Push Press

5 Back Squat

10 V-sits

August 16, 2015No Comments

Workouts 17th August – 22nd August

Week 2.

These 6 weeks will be focused around drop sets. Drop sets are essentially a technique where you perform an exercise and then drop (reduce) the weight and continue for more reps. A brilliant way of building work capacity and strength whilst. We will also be following 5/4/3 rep scheme for major lower body lifts so the aim here is to increase weight each set while the reps drop.


Warm-ups for next 6 weeks will also focus around improving and progressing both push -/pull-up strength in addition to overhead squat technique.


We will also have an option of a weightlifting group for those that want to continue with them of which we hope a few will. However, if you decide to do this you cannot just cherry pick the clean and neglect the snatch, if you’re in weightlifting then you’re doing both!




1a Deadlift 3 x 5/4/3 + 10

1b SA Ring Row 3 x 8 r/l

2a KB Swing 2 x 90/60s

3a Weighted Knee-Elbows 2 x 15 r/l

3b SL Alternating Leg Lowers 2 x 15

3c Weighted Birddog 2 x 8 r/l



  1. Power Clean – 2RM
  2. Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk – build to heaviest possible
  3. Deadlift 2 x 5


Cond: 10min AMRAP



Sit Ups

Box Jumps




1a Chins 3 x 6 + 12

1b Floor Press 3 x 6 +12

2a BB Lunge 3 x 6 r/l

2b Weighted Broad Jump 3 x 3



1 Hill run

20 KB Pushups

20 Situps


1 Hill Run

20 KB Front Squats

20 Russian Twists


1 Hill Run

20 KB Pulls

20 Spiderman Planks





1a Squat 3 x 5/4/3 + 10

1b SL RDL 3 x 8 r/l

2a Ring Chest Fly 3 x 10

2b SA KB Carry 3 x 2 lengths

2c Push up Knee-Elbow Plank 3 x 8 r/l


Cond: EMOTM 10

Even mins – 10 Wallballs + 10 Hanging Knee Raises

Odd mins – Skipping




1a KB Strict Press 3 x 6 + 12

1b BB BO Row 3 x 6 + 12

2a KB Split Squats 3 x 6 r/l

2b Plate Around the worlds 3 x 16

3a Max Weighted Plank 1 x max 10/20kg


Cond: Partner

20 Bear Crawls – complete these first

Then 3 Rounds:

20 Slams – you go i go

20 Ring Rows – each




1a BB Thruster 3 x 8 +16

1b Standing rollouts 3 x 8

2a KB farmers Hold 1 x max

3a Bicep Curl 21’s 3 x 8

3b Plate Tricep Extensions 3 x 12



  1. Snatch Pull + hang Power snatch + Snatch - build to heaviest possible
  2. Snatch Bal + 2 sec hold at bottom – 2RM



50 Goblet Lunges (use same weight as will swing)

40 Kettlebell Swings
30 Ring Rows

20 Burpees

10 Elbow-Hand Plank

1 Hill Run






August 9, 2015No Comments

Workouts 10th-16th August

New 6 week programme folks!!!!!

These 6 weeks will be focused around drop sets. Drop sets are essentially a technique where you perform an exercise and then drop (reduce) the weight and continue for more reps. A brilliant way of building work capacity and strength whilst. We will also be following 5/4/3 rep scheme for major lower body lifts so the aim here is to increase weight each set while the reps drop.

Warm-ups for next 6 weeks will also focus around improving and progressing both push -/pull-up strength in addition to overhead squat technique.

We will also have an option of a weightlifting group for those that want to continue with them of which we hope a few will. However, if you decide to do this you cannot just cherry pick the clean and neglect the snatch, if you’re in weightlifting then you’re doing both!




1a Squat 3 x 5/4/3 + 10

1b SL Ball Glute Bridge 3 x 8 r/l

2a Ring archer pushup 3 x 10

2b SA KB Carry 3 x 2 lengths

2c KB Twist and Press 3 x 8


Cond: Circuit 45/15

KB pulls over bar

Ring Mountain Climbers

Ring Assisted SL squats


Ladder Walk


Elbow-Hand Plank

Bar Hang





1a Strict Press 3 x 6 + 12

1b SA KB Row 3 x 6 + 12

2a KB Step Up 3 x 6

2b Landmines 3 x 16

3a Max Weighted Plank 1 x max 10/20kg


Cond: 3 Rounds:
3/2/90s min AMRAP:
5 Bupree-Long Jumps
10 Kettlebell Swings
Rest 60s




1a Deadlift 3 x 5/4/3 + 10

1b SA Alternating KB Chest press 3 x 8 r/l

2a KB Swing 2 x 90/60s

3a SA Sit up 2 x 8 r/l

3b Leg Lowers 2 x 15

3c Lying Supermans 2 x 15


Cond: For time:
25 Dips/pushups
15 Box Jumps 24/20
25 Pull ups/Ring Rows
15 Box Jumps
25 Weighted Sit Ups
15 Box Jumps
25 Hanging Knee Raises
15 Box Jumps



  1. Power Clean – 2RM
  2. Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk – build to heaviest possible
  3. Deadlift 2 x 5




1a Chins 3 x 6 + 12

1b Floor Press 3 x 6 +12

2a BB Reverse Lunge 3 x 6 r/l

2b BB Jump Squats 3 x 3


Cond: 15min Partner AMRAP – break up reps as necessary

40 Wallballs

150 Skips

500m Wallball carry




1a BB Thruster 3 x 8 +16

1b Hanging Knee Raises 3 x 10

2a KB farmers Hold 1 x max

3a Eccentric Bicep Curl 3 x 8

3b Ring Tricep extensions 3 x 12



  1. Snatch Pull + hang Power snatch + Snatch - build to heaviest possible
  2. Snatch Bal + 2 sec hold at bottom – 2RM



500m Run

Goblet Squat
KB Snatch – reps split between right & left
500m Run





August 3, 2015No Comments

Test Week 4th – 8th August

TEST WEEK......................




Max Chins/Ring rows in 1 min

Rest 2 mins

Max Pushups in 1 min

Rest 2 mins

Max Wallballs in 1 min

Rest 2 mins

Max KB Swings in 1min

Rest 2 mins

Max Burpees in 1 min

Rest 2 mins

Max Plank with 10/20kg


Cond: Circuit 40/20


Ring Jacknifes

Ring rows




Plank Walkout

Ball Pick and toss

KB Swings

Hollow Hold




Back Squat 2/5RM

B1 Ring Pushup 3 x 10

B2 Ring Glute Bridge 3x 10

B3 Spiderman Plank 3 x 12


Cond: 90s AMRAP – 4 Rounds

2 Burpees

5 Pushups

7 KB Clean

10 Wallballs


60s rest between rounds




Chins 1/5RM


3 x 500m runs

Rest 3 mins between efforts – best time is recorded




TGU 3 r/l


Farmers Carry 2 x 4 lengths

Reverse Hypers 2 x 15




A Floor Press 5RM

B Max Box jump Test

C Thrusters 3 x 10


Cond: 3 Rounds

200m run

15 Hanging Leg Raises

30 KB Swings




July 26, 2015No Comments

Workouts July 27th – Aug 1st

Week 6!!!

New 6 week cycle will start incorporating some more weightlifting techniques such as Olympic clean and snatch and some of their variations. This is a brilliant opportunity to add more exercises to what you already know which will also make you more powerful and also improve your body’s movement capabilities. They do come with a caveat of requiring patience however, but for 99% of members they will grow to be an exercise you relish as they are great total body movement and are the natural progression of functional movement, which DTF is all about.

Rep scheme for the big movements will follow the following rep scheme – week 1/2/3 will be 6/4/2 reps & weeks 4/5/6 will be 6/4/2. This will allow you retest your strength gains every 3 weeks



Turkish get up W-Up

1a Front Racked BB Step Ups 3 x 6 r/l

1b SL RDLs 3 x 6 r/l

2a KB Swing 3 x 20

2b Ring Rollout 3 x 8

2c Plate Around the Worlds 3 x 16

Cond: 90s rounds

6 KB Thrusters

6 Situps

6 Box Jump 20”

Increase reps by 2 per round until you can’t finish in the 90s time period



1a Power snatch + OHS + Snatch Bal – 15 mins focusing on technique not weight moved

2a Strict press 3 x 8

2b Pullups 3 x 5 + 20-30 hold at top

2c V-sits 3 x 10 + 20s hold


200m 10/20kg Plate Carry

50 Pressups

50 squats

50 Ring Rows

200m 10/20kg Plate Carry



1a Pause Back Squat + Squat 3 x 4 (2 pause + 2 normal)

1b Pause Ring Pushup 3 x 8

1c Chins 3 x 8

2a Max long jump test

3a Ring Plank / Handstand Hold 2 x max or 60s

Cond: 10min AMRAP

10 KB Clean & Press

5 Plank Walkouts

5 Burpees

200m run



1a Sumo Deadlift 3 x 2

1b Push - ups with jacknife 3 x 10 (dependent on ability)

1c Hollow hold with leg raises 3 x 30s + 10

2a Bicep curls (varied grip width) 3 x 10

2b Ring tricep extensions 3 x 12


30 KB Swings

20 Wallballs

10 Box Jumps

5 Burpees

200m run

5 Burpees

10 Box Jumps

20 Wallballs

30 KB Swings



Dowel Clean Progression warm-up

1a Clean

2a BB Bent over row 3 x 8

2b Alt S/A KB chest press 3 x 8 r/l

2c KB pullovers 3 x 12

Cond: 5 Rounds

5 High Pulls

5 Push Press

5 Front Squat

10 V-sits

July 19, 2015No Comments

Workouts July 20th – July 25th

Week 5!!

New 6 week cycle will start incorporating some more weightlifting techniques such as Olympic clean and snatch and some of their variations. This is a brilliant opportunity to add more exercises to what you already know which will also make you more powerful and also improve your body’s movement capabilities. They do come with a caveat of requiring patience however, but for 99% of members they will grow to be an exercise you relish as they are great total body movement and are the natural progression of functional movement, which DTF is all about.

Rep scheme for the big movements will follow the following rep scheme – week 1/2/3 will be 6/4/2 reps & weeks 4/5/6 will be 6/4/2. This will allow you retest your strength gains every 3 weeks



Dowel Clean Progression warm-up

1a High Pull + Hang Power Clean + High Hang Clean 3RM

2a Bent Over Row 3 x 8

2b Floor Press 3 x 8

2c Russian twists 3 x 16

Cond: BB Complex - 4 Rounds

4 RDL’s

4 BO Row

4 Push Press

4 Front Squat

10 Sit Ups



1a Pause Back Squat + Squat 3 x 6 (2 pause + 4 normal)

1b Ring Fly 3 x 8

1c Isometric Chin hold 3 x 2 x 15s at top of movement

2a SA or double KB Snatch 3 x 15

2b Weighted KB Jumps 3 x 3

3a Weighted Plank 2 x 1:00 – 1 min rest

Cond: Partner Workout -3 Rounds

20 MedBall Sit ups – You Go I Go

20 Wallballs each – split up as necessary

20 Slam Balls - You Go I Go



1a Sumo Deadlift 3 x 4

1b Ring Dips/ Pushups + hold 3 x 8 + 10-15s

1c Negative Pullups 3 x 5 – 3 sec lower

2a BB Bicep curl 3 x 10 – 3 sec lower

2b KB Tricep extensions 3 x 15

Cond:10min AMRAP

1 Chin/Ring Row

4 KB Swings

2 Chin/Ring Row

8 KB Swings

3 Chins/Ring Rows

12 KB Swings

5 Burpees



Dowel Snatch Progression warm-up

1a Power snatch (pause above knee) + 2 OHS (rep scheme dependent on ability)

2a 1/2 kneeling press 3 x 8 r/l

2b S/A ring chin 3 x 8 r/l

2c Tempo hanging knees 3 x 10

Cond: Circuit 40/20


Ball Pick and toss

Ring Mountain Climbers



- 200m run out and back and ready to start circuit again in 1:20


Plank Walkout

KB Swings

Hollow Hold



1a BB lunge 3 x 12 (alternating – r/l forward, r/l reverse)

1b BB squat jumps 3 x 5

2a S/A sit-up 3 x 6 r/l

2b Pause bear crawl 3 x 1l

2c Double KB RDL 3 x 6

Cond: 3 Rounds

8 Double KB swings

8 KB Front Squat

8 KB Push Press

- 1 hill run after round 1

- 1 x 200m after round 2

- 1 x 500m run after round 3

July 12, 2015No Comments

Workouts 13th-18th July

Week 4!!!

New 6 week cycle will start incorporating some more weightlifting techniques such as Olympic clean and snatch and some of their variations. This is a brilliant opportunity to add more exercises to what you already know which will also make you more powerful and also improve your body’s movement capabilities. They do come with a caveat of requiring patience however, but for 99% of members they will grow to be an exercise you relish as they are great total body movement and are the natural progression of functional movement, which DTF is all about.


Rep scheme for the big movements will follow the following rep scheme – week 1/2/3 will be 6/4/2 reps & weeks 4/5/6 will be 6/4/2. This will allow you retest your strength gains every 3 weeks




1a Pause Back Squat + Squat 3 x 6 (2 pause + 6 normal)

1b Ring Pushup + negatives 3 x 6 + 2

1c Partial Range Chins 3 x 5 at bottom & at top of movement

2a KB Swing 2 x 90s efforts – 90s rest between efforts

3a SA Reaching Plank 2 x 30s r/l



Start with 500m run

8 Rounds:

8 Wallballs

8 KB Swings

8 Hanging Knee Raises

Finish with 200m run




Dowel Clean Progression warm-up

1a Power Clean + High Hang Clean 3 RM

2a Bent Over Row 3 x 8

2b Ring Dips (band assisted) 3 x 8

2c Lying Wipers 3 x 8 r/l


Cond: Circuit 40/20

Burpee Ball Slams

Ring Jacknifes

Ring rows




Russian Twists

KB Get Ups

Ladder walk

Double KB Cleans




Turk Getup W-Up

1a KB Pause Walking Lunges + normal 3 x 6+6

1b Hamstring Ring Curls 3 x 8

2a Double KB Clean 3 x 10

2b Ring Body Saw on hands 3 x 10

2c Landmines 3 x 16



1 Hill Run

5 Rounds: 5 Pushups

10 Swings

5 rows/chins

1 Hill Run




Dowel Snatch Progression warm-up

1a Power snatch + Overhead squat 3 RM

2a Push press 3 x 6

2b SA KB Row 3 x 10 r/l

2c KB deadbug 3 x 20


Cond: Partner workout – 10min AMRAP

Ascending ladder 1.2........and so on in You go I go format


KB man makers




1a Sumo Deadlift 3 x 6

1b KB Chest flys 3 x 8

1c Ring row (Feet elevated) 3 x max

2a Bicep curl 3 x 21

2b Skull crushers (Ring) 3 x 12


Cond: 10 min AMRAP

5 SA KB Clean & Press r/l

10 Box Jumps

15 Sit Ups

50 Skips






July 5, 2015No Comments

Workouts 6th July – 11th July

Week 3!!!

New 6 week cycle will start incorporating some more weightlifting techniques such as Olympic clean and snatch and some of their variations. This is a brilliant opportunity to add more exercises to what you already know which will also make you more powerful and also improve your body’s movement capabilities. They do come with a caveat of requiring patience however, but for 99% of members they will grow to be an exercise you relish as they are great total body movement and are the natural progression of functional movement, which DTF is all about.

Rep scheme for the big movements will follow the following rep scheme – week 1/2/3 will be 6/4/2 reps & weeks 4/5/6 will be 6/4/2. This will allow you retest your strength gains every 3 weeks



Turkish get up W-Up

1a Front Racked BB Step Ups 3 x 6 r/l

1b SL RDLs 3 x 6 r/l

2a KB Swing 3 x 15

2b Ring Rollout 3 x 8

2c Double (SA) KB Snatch 3 x 8

2d Handstand Hold/Feet Elevated ring Plank 3 x 30s

Cond:3 Rounds

30 Plate OH Lunges

20 Plate GTOH

10 Plate Over Burpees



1a Hang power snatch (above knee) + Power snatch 3 x 4

2a Strict press 3 x 8

2b S/A ring chin 3 x 6 r/l + 2 negatives

2c Plate chop 3 x 10 r/l

Cond: Partner Workout – 4Rounds

- one runs/one bear crawls and then switch over. After both have completed each, the pair must do 20 You go I go slamballs. That is one round!!

200m run

Bear Crawls

20 Slams



1a Pause Back Squat + Squat 3 x 4 (2 pause + 2 normal)

1b Pause Ring Pushup 3 x 8

1c Negative Chin 3 x 8 (3 sec lower)

2a Max height box jump test

3a Side Plank Left/Elbow Plank/Side Plank right 1 x 45s/60s/45s without break


500m run

40 Squats

30 Ring Rows

20 Sit ups

10 SA KB Clean & Press r/l

500m run



1a Sumo Deadlift 3 x 2

1b Weighted push-up 3 x 8 + 2 negatives

1c Alt grip pull-ups 3 x 4/4

2a Bicep curls 3 x 8

2b Close grip floor press 3 x 15

Cond: 10min AMRAP



Sit Ups

Box Jumps



Dowel Clean Progression warm-up

1a High Pull + Power Clean + Front Squat 3RM

2a Bent Over Row 3 x 8

2b SA KB Chest press 3 x 8

2c Hollow Hold + Vsits 3 x 30s + 10

Cond: Circuit 40/20


Ring Plank


Ring Rows

- 500/200m run


Plank Walkout

KB Swings


June 28, 2015No Comments

Workouts 29th June – 4th July

Week 2!!

New 6 week cycle will start incorporating some more weightlifting techniques such as Olympic clean and snatch and some of their variations. This is a brilliant opportunity to add more exercises to what you already know which will also make you more powerful and also improve your body’s movement capabilities. They do come with a caveat of requiring patience however, but for 99% of members they will grow to be an exercise you relish as they are great total body movement and are the natural progression of functional movement, which DTF is all about.


Rep scheme for the big movements will follow the following rep scheme – week 1/2/3 will be 6/4/2 reps & weeks 4/5/6 will be 6/4/2. This will allow you retest your strength gains every 3 weeks




Dowel Clean Progression warm-up

1a Power Clean + Front Squat 3 x 5

2a Bent Over Row 3 x 8

2b Half Kneeling KB Press 3 x 8

2c Shoulder Tap 3 x 16


Cond: Circuit 40/20


Ring Jacknifes

Ring rows




Plank Walkout

Ball Pick and toss

KB Swings

Hollow Hold




1a Pause Back Squat + Squat 3 x 6 (2 pause + 4 normal)

1b Ring Fly 3 x 8

1c Isometric Chin hold 3 x 2 x15s at top of movement

2a KB Snatch 3 x 15

2b Box Jumps 3 x 3

3a Side Plank 1 x 1:00 r/l


Cond: 4 Rounds

15 Double KB Swing

4 KB Man Makers




Turkish get up W-Up

1a KB RFESS 3 x 6 r/l

1b Plate Good Mornings 3 x 8

2a Alternating SA KB Clean 3 x 6 r/l

2b Inchworm 3 x 6

2c KB Swing 3 x 15

2d Handstand Hold/Feet Elevated ring Plank 3 x 30s


Cond: 2.2km runs – rest 60s between each

800m run


200m run

200m run

800m run





Dowel Snatch Progression warm-up

1a Snatch Pull + Power Snatch 3 x 5

2a Strict press 3 x 8

2b Ring Row w/ holds 3 x 8 (2 -3 sec pause at top of each)

2c Ring Jacknife oblique crunch 3 x 8 r/l






Double KB Clean & Press

- 5 burpees between rounds




1a Sumo Deadlift 3 x 4

1b Ring Dips + hold 3 x 8 + 10-15s

1c Negative Pullups 3 x 5 – 3 sec lower

2a BB Bicep curl 3 x 10 varied grip width (Wide/Shoulder width/Narrow)

2b Ring Tricep Extensions 3 x 15


Cond: 10min AMRAP


200m run

- start on 5 Wallballs and every time you return from run add extra 5 wallballs









June 21, 2015No Comments

Workouts 22nd June – 27th June

New 6 week cycle will start incorporating some more weightlifting techniques such as Olympic clean and snatch and some of their variations. This is a brilliant opportunity to add more exercises to what you already know which will also make you more powerful and also improve your body’s movement capabilities. They do come with a caveat of requiring patience however, but for 99% of members they will grow to be an exercise you relish as they are great total body movement and are the natural progression of functional movement, which DTF is all about.


Rep scheme for the big movements will follow the following rep scheme – week 1/2/3 will be 6/4/2 reps & weeks 4/5/6 will be 6/4/2. This will allow you retest your strength gains every 3 weeks.


Look forward to seeing everyone up the gym this week and getting started in this new 6 weeks.




1a Pause Back Squat + Squat 3 x 6 (2 pause + 6 normal)

1b Ring Fly 3 x 8

1c Partial Range Chins 3 x 5 at bottom & at top of movement

2a KB Swings 3 x 15

2b Box Jumps 3 x 3

3a Weighted Plank 2 x 1:00


Cond: 3 rounds

30 Lunges

20 Sit-ups

10 KB Push Press




Dowel Clean Progression warm-up

1a Power Clean (+ Push Press) 3 x 5

2a Bent Over Row 3 x 8

2b KB Chest press 3 x 8

2c Lying Wipers 3 x 8 r/l


Cond: Circuit 40/20


Ball Pick and toss

Ring Mountain Climbers




Plank Walkout

KB Swings

Sledgehammer hits

Hollow Hold




1a KB Pause Walking Lunges + normal 3 x 6+6

1bHamstring Ring Curls 4 x 8

2a Double KB Clean 3 x 8

2b Ring Body Saw on hands 3 x 8

2c Double KB Swing 3 x 10

2d Handstand Hold/Feet Elevated ring Plank 3 x 30s



Death by Burpees

1 on minute 1, 2 on min 2, 3 on min 3 and so on............until cant complete reps in minute




Dowel Snatch Progression warm-up

1a Snatch Pull + Power Snatch 3 x 5

2a Strict press 3 x 8

2b SA KB Row 3 x 8

2c Ring Jacknife oblique crunch 3 x 8 r/l



Cond: Partner Workout

50 wallball buy in – partner planks while other works

4 Rounds: Complete reps each but can’t move onto next exercise until both are done

15 KB Swings

15 Plate GTOH

15 Situps

50 wallball buy out – partner planks while other works




1a Sumo Deadlift 3 x 6

1b Ring Dips + hold 3 x 8 + 10-15s

1c Negative Pullups 3 x 5 – 3 sec lower

2a BB Bicep curl 3 x 21

2b Tricep Dips 3 x 15


Cond: BB Complex - 4 Rounds

4 BO Row

4 Push Press

4 Jump Squat

8 Pushup

200m run